01 July 2018

Taoiseach Backs Ordination of Women as Catholic Priests

The attacks on the Body of Christ proceed apace in Ireland! Just over a month ago the Irish people became the first on the face of God's green earth to voluntarily throw themselves into the abyss Satan has prepared for the adherents of the Culture of Death.

Within days, it was announced that the Government wasn't content with just 'legalising' the murder of the unborn, but would be introducing a bill to 'legalise' the murder of the already born under the euphemism, 'euthanasia'.

Now, in the wake of Josepha Madigan's blasphemous actions, which I shared from LifeNews, Pro-Abortion Politician Allowed to Lead Communion in Her Local Catholic Church, the Taoiseach has brought his guns to bear on the Sacrificing Priesthood of the Body of Christ. He is calling for allowing Priests to marry, something no Church East or West has ever allowed, and for the 'ordination' of women, which is infallibly defined by Christ's Church as being impossible.

And notice the typical whiny, snowflake response of the heretic Madigan to the Archbishop's attempts at upholding the doctrine and Canon Law of the Church and the sanctity of the Eucharist.

She responded by saying, she was disappointed by the personal nature of Archbishop Martin’s statement and said she intended to raise her concerns with Pope Francis when he visits Ireland next month.

It is obvious that the persecutions are about to begin, But, remember what Hilaire Belloc said at the end of his book Survivals and New Arrivals,
But if I be asked what sign we may look for to show that the advance of the Faith is at hand, I would answer by a word the modern world has forgotten: Persecution. When that shall once more be at work it will be morning.
From The Irish Times

Varadkar backs Madigan amid criticism from Archbishop for leading prayers

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform Paschal Donohoe speak to the media before the National Economic Dialogue at Dublin Castle. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has backed the ordination of women as priests in the Catholic Church and said priests should be allowed to marry.

Speaking in Dublin, Mr Varadkar said he believed in equality in all things and in equality in the workplace.
Mr Varadkar said this would include allowing priests to marry and permitting women to become priests.
However the Taoiseach also said he strongly believed in the separation of church and State. “This is not something the Government is going to to legislating for.”
Speaking to journalists at the National Economic Dialogue in Dublin Castle, the Taoiseach also said Minister for Culture and Heritage Josepha Madigan had “done a very nice thing” in leading prayers at a church in Dublin last weekend when a priest failed to turn up.
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin had criticised Ms Madigan for “pushing an agenda” after she helped conduct the church service in Mount Merrion.
Ms Madigan said afterwards the Church should ordain women and allow priests to marry. A failure to adapt would lead to a “severe decline” in church participation, she said in on Monday.
Mr Varadkar said he had a very diverse and interesting Cabinet.
He said according to newspapers, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone“has practiced witchcraft in the past and now Minister Madigan is saying Mass”.
“I am not sure if either of those things are quite true.”
He said he heard from someone who was in the church in Mount Merrion last weekend that when the priest was unable to attend for a variety of reasons , a number of women from the congregation, including the Minister, had led prayers.
“Certainly she did not say Mass,” he said. “I think what she did was a very nice thing and I understand she received a round of applause for doing so.”
In a strong rebuke of Ms Madigan’s comments, Archbishop Martin said on Tuesday the Minister had provoked “considerable distress” among churchgoers and ought to consider the upset she had caused.
“Many [parishoners] have contacted my office to express their hurt and upset at the Minister’s comments, as reported in the media,” he said in a statement.
Ms Madigan responded by saying she was disappointed by the personal nature of Archbishop Martin’s statement and said she intended to raise her concerns with Pope Francis when he visits Ireland next month.

1 comment:

  1. The Irish need to stop and realize this man is opening up the very jaws of Hell before them. Who on earth does this person think he is! Have the Irish so completely lost their senses they are following this know-nothing into Hell?
    The hubris is astounding, the Irish have much to fear for themselves. If they had any sense they would stop listening to this man who is licking his bloody chops.


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