09 July 2018

Resources for Catholics-New Resource Links

There's a new list of links in the sidebar. I've had 'Resources for Monarchists' and 'Resources for Distributists'  since shortly after  beginning 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon', but I realised recently that I had omitted one important subject on which I blog regularly.

So far there are only four links, but I'll be adding to them. They are,

1) & 2) are pages from FishEaters. As I said a few months ago,
The website is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive resource for Traditional Catholics on the web. After twelve years, I know I've only scratched the surface! Every time I go looking for something, I get sidetracked and discover new material. I am reminded of my boyhood adventures with the encyclopædia. I'd start to look up an article I needed, only to find, two or three hours later, that I was reading something totally unconnected to the original subject.

Vox Clamantis (the owner's screen name) has spent 20 years in building the site. It has apologetic materials, traditions and customs of the Liturgical Year, recipes that are traditionally prepared for Holy Days, and much much more! If it has to do with Catholicism as it was practised before the Second Œcumenical Council of the Vatican, you can find it here!
The entire site is amazing, but I'm listing two pages that are ultimately 'resource pages'. They are,

1) Being Catholic, which discusses prayers, devotions, sacraments, the liturgical year, etc., the basics of the Catholic life.


2) For Catholics, a page of information for those Catholics who realise that a) there is a serious crisis in the Church, and b) that the Church and the Faith are under heavy attack by Satan and his minions in Freemasonry, liberalism, modernism, secularism, the Culture of Death, and related movements.

The entire site is worth reading, but these two pages are vital for anyone who wants to an informed warrior for the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ our King.

3) Divinum Officium, the ultimate user friendly site containing the Roman Breviary and the Tridentine Mass. Click on the link and you are taken to today's date, but there's a Kalendarium link that allows you to pick any day. At the bottom are menus to pick historical rubrics, the Office of the Dead and the Little Office of the BVM, and a selection of languages, including Latin, English, Polish, Magyar, French, German and Italian.

The site was founded and built by Mr Laszlo Kiss (R+I+P) who was a member of the FishEaters Forum, and it is maintained by some technologically savvy clerics.

4) St Peter's List, which I just recently discovered. It is, indeed, a list, but of lists. Lists of quotes, facts, memes, etc. on the subjects of theology, history, philosophy, life & leisure, literature, and art & architecture.

It's full of valuable, shareable information.

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