08 July 2018

Falsity to the End: Bishop Embraces Pseudo-Married Gay Priest

His Excellency was spot on until the end. His actions in telling this traitor to Our Lord, 'Go your way freely', and embracing him, makes the Bishop just as guilty as the traitor.

Our Blessed Lord never told a sinner, 'Go your way freely'. No! He said, 'Go, and sin no more'! There are, traditionally, nine ways of being an accessory to another's sin and thereby sharing the guilt. Number five is by praise or flattery and number eight is by silence.
I would say that his embracing the traitor is flattery, and that his statement silences all the platitudinous statements prior to it.

And the Bishop says, 'I have no right to judge'? He is the chief Pastor of his Diocese and this mans superior. Does he have absolutely no understanding of his Epicopal duties and responsibilities?

Miserere, Domine!

From Gloria.tv

Bishop Giuseppe Zenti of Verona, Italy, spoke after the Rosary on July 5 in the parish of Selva di Progno whose priest Giuliano Costalunga ran off in order to pseudo-marry a Spanish man. Costalunga was present in the church.

Bishop Zenti pointed out that Costalunga was an unfaithful priest who absented himself often for long periods of time without letting anybody know where he was. Only when the bishop cut off his stipend, he announced his intention to enter a gay pseudo-marriage.

The bishop also told the faithful that Costalunga lied when confronted with rumours that a certain Pablo who lived with him in the presbytery, was his lover and threatened the bishop with a civil lawsuit for “defamation”.

The bishop went on claiming that “I have no right to judge” [but why then does Pope Francis judge all the time?]. However, Zenti defended marriage and clarified that a gay pseudo-marriage is not according to the will of God.

But he destroyed everything he said, when at the end of his homily, he addressed Costalunga with the words, “Go your way, freely.”

After the service, surrounded by journalists and TV cameras, Bischof Zenti embraced his deceitful ex-priest.

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