08 July 2018

Chevalier Charles Coulombe on Joseph de Maistre & the Counter-Revolution

A fascinating discussion! The Chevalier disposes of the actual questions quite rapidly, indicating not surprisingly, that he highly approves of M. le comte de Maistre and the counter-revolutionary writers of the early 19th century, including Bonald, Chateaubriand, Balmes, Donoso Cortes, and others.

Mr Frankini then asks his opinion of the book, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, the foundational text of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property and its allied movements in other countries. Whilst pointing out that it omits a large part of the counter-revolution, the 'distributist', 'guild', or 'solidarist' and the peasant proprietorship aspects, inspired by it the TFP is doing valuable work.

He uses that as a springboard to strong advice to not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. In other words, do not criticise or denigrate those working in one field, whether it be defense of the unborn, classical education, Catholic economic reform, or any other, because they are not working in all fields simultaneously. Support and build up the brethren, no matter what attack they are making on the Revolution, the Culture of Death, the secular, atheist society, and the master of them all, Satan!

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