06 July 2018

Safe Spaces for Catholic Money

The first part of a follow up series to That's My Money, Your Excellency-Closing Our Wallets on the Lavender Mafia with suggested places Catholics may donate to without aiding the modernists and heretics that infest the Church.

I have deleted one suggestion, which I found baffling. Regina suggests donating to the Eastern Province of the Dominicans, which they say
For 800 years, the Dominicans have been forming priests at the heart of the Catholic Church. Nowhere is this more evident than in a truly Catholic seminary like that of the Eastern Dominican Province of St. Joseph in Washington, D.C.  which continues to attract young vocations. (Novus Ordo & Dominican Old Rite).
Unfortunately, said Dominican Province also owns and operates Providence College which was in the Catholic news recently for their toleration of death threats against a student who had the temerity to defend the traditional (and infallible) Catholic doctrine on natural marriage. If you missed that story, here it is, Student Banned From Catholic College Campus After Defending Natural Marriage.

What difference does it make if they celebrate the Dominican Rite in Latin if they are thoroughgoing modernists and adherents of the Culture of Death?

Of course, since I live about 30 miles from St Gregory the Great and about 20 from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminaries, I strongly encourage donations to them!

From Regina Magazine


Ever since ‘That's My Money, Your Excellencies' appeared, REGINA has been deluged with requests for our suggestions for ‘safe spaces’ for Catholic money. 
It seems that Catholics are sick and tired of learning that their donations are supporting the luxurious lives of predators, or organizations which act contrary to Catholic teachings.
Herewith are our recommendations: Part One (Seminaries), which will be followed by Part Two (Religious Sisters), Part Three (Lower school), Part Four (Upper school), Part Five (Universities), Part Six (Preserving Catholic Churches), Part Seven (Supporting Catholic Culture), Part Eight (Catholic Health Care), Part Nine (Supporting Catholic Social Welfare) and Part Ten (Catholic Media & Publishers).
No, these are not infallible. Obviously, we cannot provide bullet-proof picks– but we cantell you that we have spoken with, or visited, or known good people associated with each of these worthy institutions. Some have been subjects of REGINA articles, as well.
Further, if you can’t find an organization on our list, it’s not necessarily a bad bet. It may only mean that we don’t have any information on that particular organization.
In any case, we can wholeheartedly recommend the following seminaries:
Saint Gregory the Great Seminary
Lincoln, Nebraska
We can’t begin to tell you how many great things we hear about this diocesan seminary, which accepts men from many dioceses. But you can get a look for yourself at this Youtube link. (Novus Ordo & Latin Mass)
Fraternity of Saint Peter
Denton, Nebraska
Located in rural Denton, Nebraska, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is the Fraternity of St. Peter’s international house of formation for English-speakers. Their website says: Using the ancient liturgy as our well-spring, we form our priests in the traditions of the Church to serve at the altar and in the parish so that the fullness of Christ might enter the emptiness of the world.
Official website:  https://fssp.com/
REGINA’s story here:  http://bit.ly/2yZEYwa
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign King
Gricigliano, Italy
This French-speaking seminary goes from success to success; they have 90 current students and a one year waiting list. Their director says, “Divine Providence always provides so we never have to turn anyone away, but, yes, the seminary is full to capacity. We will continue to trust in God for the answer, and I must say that too little space for all the vocations is a rather good problem to have when you consider all the seminary buildings that are empty and closed.” (Latin Mass)
REGINA’s story here:  http://bit.ly/1Qih8Mt
Community of St Martin
Evron, France
Named for the famous 4th century Saint who evangelized France and Germany, this French-speaking seminary now has over 80 men in attendance. Their location in rural northwestern France and their ban on internet usage while in school does not seem to deter young vocations, who thrive under the tutelage of this Community, which is winning souls for Christ in modern secular France. (Novus Ordo)
Fraternity of Saint Peter
Wigratzbad, Germany
This German-speaking seminary is located in southern Germany near Lake Como. They have quietly been preparing young vocations for the priesthood in a country where the Faith is greatly endangered, a heroic task if we’ve ever seen one. (Latin Mass)
Heiligenkreuz Abbey (Holy Cross)
This German-speaking seminary in the oldest continuously occupied Cistercian monastery in the world is located in southern Austria. In addition to its excellent seminary, the Abbey has 52 priests who are engaged in teaching and administering the affairs of the parishes that belong to the monastery. (Novus Ordo)
Stift Klosterneuberg
Vienna, Austria
This outstanding, orthodox, German-speaking seminary is in a twelfth-century Augustinian monastery in Austria. Overlooking the Danube, just north of the Vienna city limits at the Leopoldsberg, the monastery was founded in 1114 by Saint Leopold III, the patron saint of Austria. (Novus Ordo)

NEXT: Part Two of our REGINA series looks at Orders of Sisters and Nuns.

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