01 July 2018

Carmelite SOS: “Cor orans is the Death-Knell of Carmelite Monasticism”

I have been a Tertiary of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel for over 30 years. The Discalced Sisters are part of the Family of Carmel. I ask your prayers for them, as Francis and his minions attempt to destroy them.

Vatican II encouraged the Orders to return to their original documents. These Sisters have, and now Rome is intent on forcing them to deny not only the charism of their Order, but the decrees of Vatican II on the Religious Life.

From What's Up With Francischurch?

St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us in this hour of darkness.

I have been contacted by a community of Carmelites who have seen the document, and are desperate to try to warn the remaining faithful Carmels of the Teresian reform.

Today’s piece for the Remnant contains some of their remarks:

Today I received an email from a monastery of cloistered Carmelite nuns about the new document from the Vatican’s Congregation for Religious. They’re helping me examine this document, having kindly volunteered to serve as consultants, to help me understand it from an inside position. These, I might add, are not what we would consider a “traditionalist” community. They have only the Novus Ordo Mass and use the new rite Divine Office in their native vernacular language. For obvious reasons I can’t identify them, even to say what country they are in.

Writing to me in English, by way of introductory comments in their longer analysis of the document that will be forthcoming, Sister T, fully professed and a senior member of the monastery’s council, said, “The Cor Orans document is the death-knell of Carmel. It signals the end of the contemplative monastic life. Not only does it destroy the autonomy of the Monasteries, something Our Holy Mother St. Teresa was extremely insistent about, but it also removes the Superior, dissolves her authority and power, removes the financial independence of each Monastery, and destroys the specificity of each charism.

“This is a disaster. Especially for Carmel.”


  1. I feel sad too re the implementation of COR ORANS for us Discalced Carmelite Nuns who have been living for so many years the beautiful life of solitude, prayer & union with God inspired by our dear Lord to our holy mother St. Teresa to make the Reformation of the loosed Calced Carmelite Order. For me, to make progress in our contemplative life nowadays is not to go out of the Papal Enclosure but just to strive to live as perfectly as possible to live all that have been written in our precious Constitutions with joyand perseverence. To go out to attend shared formations will distract our young nuns, so please pray for us that our dear Holy Father Pope Francis will give some hearing to our nuns who wish to conserve our Teresian Discalced Carmelite charism. I feel very sorry for our Holy Father that he is being blamed to destroy our contemplative consecrated life, no, no I do not wish to blame His Holiness, he has been pressured so much by the modern religious who like to go out of the enclosure from time to time. Some of my Sisters in my community are very much intend to do so also but what good fruits would they gain to be distracted in such a way? To leave the enclosure would not help to live a proper contemplative life for sure, sad indeed. Lord, please do come to our aid to preserve our precious prayer life with you on our earthly journey till we cross over into eternity!

  2. Active congregations of Religious, Priests etc. are the exterior members of the Mystical Body of Christ, the CHURCH, ( brains, hands, feet, mouths etc. etc.) Strict contemplative Religious are the heart of the Mystical Body of Christ. If the heart of the mystical body of Christ is removed and taken out, death would end the mystical Body of Christ, sad indeed....... please pray that the contemplative religious will be allowed to continue their life of silence, solitude etc. so the Church will continue to survive.


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