02 July 2018

3 July, The Roman Martyrology

ante diem v Nonas Julias

July 3rd anno Domini 2018 The 20th Day of Moon were born into the better life: 

At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Tryphon and twelve others. 
At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Eulogios and his Companions, [fourth century.] 
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, holy Hyacinth, a groom of the bed-chamber to the Emperor Trajan. He was accused of Christianity, variously tormented with stripes, and cast into prison, where he died of hunger. 
At Chiusi, in Tuscany, the holy martyrs Irenaeus, a Deacon, and Mustiola, a matron, who under the Emperor Aurelian were tormented in divers and terrible ways, and gained a crown of martyrdom. 
Upon the same day, the holy martyrs Marcus and Mucian were slain with the sword for Christ's sake. A child called out to them not to sacrifice to idols, and for this reason was ordered to be whipped, and forasmuch as he continued to confess Christ all the more vehemently, he also was put to death, along with a certain Paul who also had exhorted the martyrs. 
At Laodicea, in Syria, holy Anatolius, Bishop [of that see, in the year 283,] who has left writings which are admired not by devout men only, but by philosophers also. 
At Altino, in Venetia, holy Heliodorus, Bishop [of that see, about the year 390,] famous for his teaching and holiness. 
At Ravenna, the holy Confessor Dathus, Bishop [of that see, in the year 190.] 
At Edessa, in Mesopotamia, is commemorated the translation from India of the body of the holy Apostle Thomas, whose relics have since been brought to Ortona, [in Italy. Henry the Liberal, Count of Champagne, brought one whole rib of St. Thomas from the East. He presented it to the Collegiate Church of St Stephen de Troyes (Aube.)] 
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

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