10 June 2018

50 Years After Vatican II, Are You Still Catholic? (Take the Quiz)

There is a good article preceding this quiz, but it's quite lengthy, so I've just linked to it.

My comment on the Remnant site,
I can honestly say that I agree wholeheartedly with every statement. Of course, I also give interior and exterior assent to every condemnation in the Syllabus of Errors and I've sworn the Oath against Modernism. I think I'm still Catholic.
From the Remnant

Take this quiz and see if you can say unequivocally that:
- God created everything from nothing.
- Adam and Eve are (not were) real people.
- Original sin is real. It is inherited. Because of it, there is a defect in human nature. It taints our souls and mars their beauty. It bars us from Heaven. This stain of death cannot be removed by human cleansing—not by education or being nice or living a good life. Only baptism can remove it from our souls. Thus, baptism is necessary for salvation.
- The Catholic Church is the One True Church. All other religions are false, each falling somewhere on a continuum of error.
- The Sacraments were given to us by Christ Himself to save us. No human being made them up; no human being can change them.
- The Sacrifice of the Mass is a True Sacrifice. It is the offering of a Victim to God in reparation for sin. The Mass is the death of Christ mystically, miraculously, brought forward in time in an unbloody re-presentation of Calvary before our eyes. It is the Mystery of Faith.
- The priest offers the Sacrifice. He alone has been given a power beyond our understanding. He alone calls down Jesus to the altar. When the priest murmurs the mystic words, Our Lord comes to save us. Lay people are not a necessary part of this Sacred Action.
- Heaven is real. It is a Kingdom, a place--palpable, visible beyond the veil, tangible. Our Lord and Our Lady reign there physically in their glorified bodies. Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo are also real. People go there.
- The devil is not a myth or a metaphor. Lucifer and his army of fallen angels are real, and they hate you.
- You will be judged when you die. At that moment, the time of Mercy is over. It is the Time of Judgment. Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth, will pronounce the sentence. Heaven? Purgatory? Hell? You don’t get to decide where you go. The Lord sends you. You will have no choice in the matter.
- Christ will return to Earth on the Last Day. You will see Him coming in the clouds of Heaven. It will be the General Judgment. Every soul who has ever lived will be there. Every last person will know who is beloved of God and who is damned by their own fault.
- At that time, your body will rise from the grave and be reunited with your soul. Everybody will see what you look like—whether you are beautiful beyond words or hideous and deformed. You will go then to your appointed place. To be loved or hated forever.
So that’s the little test for today. Tell me. How did you do? Are you still Catholic? Or have you been bitten by the snake?

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