05 December 2018

Viva Italia!

Good on Italy! It's time for all of Europe to remember the Graeco-Roman Catholic roots of their civilisation.

From Everyday For Life Canada

First nativity scenes go back to 1223
Forget political correctness and secularism, Italy's Minister of Education Marco Bussetti says yes to crucifixes in the classroom and nativity scenes. The Minister has given the green light to putting crucifixes back in school classrooms and the setting up of creches. According to a Voice of Europe Report, Bussetti said at the annual meeting of the Federation of Catholic Schools that “The crucifix is for me the symbol of our history, our culture, our traditions. I don't see how it can cause any irritation in our school rooms, on the contrary it may help kids to reflect on our history.” That's a breath of fresh air. Christians in Canada should get the same support. I can't even imagine a politician in the land with a spine to say something similar. Instead, we have governments at all levels and teacher unions intentionally undermining Canada's Christian roots. The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association is a prime example of a union that has turned its back on Catholicism.

The Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini backed the words of Bussetti by saying that it's "idiocy" to think that we can respect other cultures by not celebrating our own traditions. He also referred to the Christmas nativity scene. Salvini's Facebook page states, "It is not just about religion, but about history, roots, culture. I will not give up. Long live our traditions, and may they spread!” Viva Italia!

Valeria Alessandrini from the Lega Party went further, "Only by respecting (our own traditions) … can we make others understand everyone is free to practice their own faiths, but that it is also required they respect the history and culture of the country in which they live." That's exactly what Christians across the West are thinking. They have had enough of political correctness, identity politics, open borders and the ever expanding alphabet of human sexuality. Viva Italia!

Alessandrini added, "I hope that children and young people at the school will be allowed to share with their peers and their parents the most beautiful, intense and meaningful moments of Christmas." That's right it's Christmas and not the holiday season. What season, if not the Christmas? Viva Italia!

Readers need to remember that Italian schools have for years downplayed their Christian roots and traditions in order to not to disrespect other cultures. Back in 2009, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that crucifixes in Italian classrooms had to be removed. It's time that we stopped listening to these politically motivated Human Rights Commissions around the globe that are not advocating true rights, but about taking away the real rights that people have had at least since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We know that putting crucifixes back in the classrooms and erecting nativity scenes are just two small steps for Christians in Italy to celebrate Christmas. It's good to see that some Italians wish to regain the religious freedom eroded in recent decades by policies and laws of aggressive secularism and progressive politics. People are beginning to realize that the promises of these ideologies are empty. Perhaps with Christmas 2018 more Italians will find space in their homes so that Baby Jesus won't need a stable for his birth. The rest of the Europe could do no better. Viva Italia! Vivat Jesus!

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