From One Peter Five
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Massacre of the Innocents – Peter Paul Rubens
Memento mori: remember death. The last vestiges of colorful wrapping paper have not yet been whisked away by the garbage men. There is still leftover rib roast in the fridge. We have only just begun the octave of celebration of the Incarnation, the birth of the Christ-child, and already we are confronted with the somber commemoration of Herod’s brutal murder of the little ones of Bethlehem.
For a Christian, life and death, celebration and sorrow, are ever inextricably intertwined.
St. Matthew’s Gospel (2:16-18) recounts for us the gruesome deed:
Rachel’s lamentation is a bracing reminder of the age-old enmity between the children of Eve and the minions of the Great Serpent. “She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.” (Gen 3:15) In a sermon by the fifth century saint and confessor, Saint Quodvultdeus rebukes the wicked king’s awful, self-serving fear:
The Catholic Encyclopedia explains that we cannot know the exact number of little boys killed in the massacre. Historical sources made claims ranging from as many as 144,000 to as few as 6. One imagines that the number was most likely somewhere in between, and certainly far higher than it ever should have been.
As the global massacre of the innocent continues in our present age, one imagines a world full of Herods; the rulers of this world have signed innumerable death sentences into law, and do not even give the children who fall under the abortionists’ blades the dignity of martyrdom; at least The Holy Innocents died for Christ. Our contemporary massacre of these littlest is for no greater reason than selfishness. If Herod sought desperately to keep his power, even at the price of the blood of infants, so we, too, seek to keep our comfort and absolute autonomy at no less of a cost.
It would be well to pray for the intercession of these tiny martyrs, arrayed in splendor like an army among the heavenly host, to intercede and to fight for the children of our own generation. For if there is a world full of Herods, there is, too, a world full of Rachels, so many of whom look upon their own decision to spill the blood of their children and see it for the unspeakable crime that it surely is. And these too — in the quiet of their rooms or in the stillness of another sleepless night — lament and bewail their lost children.
And they cannot be comforted, because they are not.
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