10 December 2018

Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh Betray Pro-Lifers, As Expected

I predicted this during the Kavanaugh nomination fight.

From Creative Minority Report

Come on. Who didn't see this coming? 

After all the push and fighting pro-lifers did to make sure Robert Kavanaugh took a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, how could we not have expected to be betrayed as soon as possible? Roberts is Roberts. I mean, that ship has sailed. He's on the organ donor waiting list for the first spine transplant.


The Supreme Court Monday rebuffed efforts by states to block funding to Planned Parenthood.

It left in place two lower court opinions that said that states violate federal law when they terminate Medicaid contracts with Planned Parenthood affiliates who offer preventive care for low income women.
It would have taken four justices to agree to hear the issue, and only three conservative justices -- Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch -- voted to hear the case.

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh appeared to side with the court's liberals in not taking up the case -- showing an effort to avoid high-profile abortion-related issues for now.

Roberts and Kavanaugh "likely have serious objections," said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law. "But such votes seem to be a signal that they would rather avoid contentious, high-profile disputes for now, at least where possible."
Even CNN can't come up with some constitutionalist argument to support their pro-abort brethren. All they've got is that Roberts and Kavanaugh want to avoid "contentious, high profile disputes." Uhm, what did they think the Supreme Court did? Its actual role is to settle disputes of the contentious variety.

Justice Clarence Thomas pretty much called them wusses in his dissent. "What explains the Court's refusal to do its job here?" Thomas wrote.
"I suspect it has something to do with the fact that some respondents in these cases are named Planned Parenthood."

I wrote a book called Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage. Let's just say these two wouldn't qualify.

So, it turns out that Planned Parenthood has a right to taxpayer money. At least until we see how that spine transplant turns out.

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