16 December 2018

Celebrity Priest Father James Martin Endorses Online Store That Supports Abortion

Jimmy Martin, LGBTQXYZSJ is an anti-Catholic. Is anyone actually surprised that he supports abortion?

From LifeNews

A well-known Catholic priest is facing criticism this week for promoting a business that donates to pro-abortion causes.
Contemplative Rebellion advertises itself as a jewelry company with a social justice mission. It celebrates movements like “Black Lives Matter” and NLF player Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protest through its jewelry designs.
On Monday, Father James Martin, a well-known Catholic author and editor-at-large of the Jesuit magazine “America,” promoted one of the company’s products – a set of rosary beads called “the Rosary of Modern Sorrow” – to his 230,000 Twitter followers.
The Catholic Militant investigated the tweet and found that the company supports issues that go against Catholic Church teachings about the family.
“Contemplative Rebellion was created with one important goal in mind: make the world a little bit better than we found it. We aim to break down the barriers that separate faith, race, social status, and income inequality,” the company states.
Though none of the jewelry specifically promotes abortion, the company does donate to several pro-abortion causes. Its Charities We Support page lists Women for Women International, Polaris and the Southern Poverty Law Center among its donation recipients. The company says it gives 20 percent to 100 percent of its profits from an item to the charities.
According to the report:
Women for Women International is a charity where women from more developed countries can give money and aid to women in need in other parts of the world. But the international non-profit also promotes contraception and abortion and has partnered with Planned Parenthood.
Polaris is a group that, among other things, claims to fight human trafficking. But Polaris is also pro-abortion, having denounced Republicans in the U.S. Senate for defending the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal Medicaid funding for abortion (with the typical exceptions for life of the mother, rape and incest).
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a radical leftist group that claims to fight racism, discrimination, hatred and extremism. In its early days, the SPLC indeed fought in the courts against the Ku Klux Klan. But in recent years, the SPLC has been accused of smearing conservative political opponents — including Christian pro-marriage organizations, and even Church Militant itself.
The SPLC is also pro-abortion. In 2009, it denounced the pro-life activists at Operation Rescue as “militant anti-abortionists.”
The Catholic Church teaches that every human life is valuable from conception to natural death because he/she is created in the image of God, and abortion is a grave moral evil because it destroys the life of an innocent unborn child.

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