09 December 2018

Cardinal Slipyi on the Need for Beauty in the Liturgy

His Eminence, of course, was aEastern Catholic. A story from the late lamented Michael Davies on the same point.
"Cardinal Walter Kasper went on this ecumenical mission to Athens, attended the Greek Orthodox liturgy in the morning and in the afternoon he was having lunch. Then the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Athens, who is a good friend of Count Capponi and Una Voce, asked his Eminence how he had enjoyed the liturgy in the morning. "Oh wonderful, wonderful," said the Cardinal, "I thought I was in heaven." Then the Archbishop said that he thought perhaps that they should make some changes to the Greek liturgy because, perhaps for modern people today, some of it is too mystifying. Kasper said, "No that would be a mortal sin. You mustn’t change a thing. Keep it exactly as it is." And the Archbishop said, "Then why did you destroy your liturgy which was the equivalent of ours?" (Michael Davies, The Last Interview, Christian Order, December 2004) 
From the New Liturgical Movement

'If you want to talk about the poor, in this place only I can speak, because I spent twenty-five years in the misery of a communist jail. You also want to take from the poor, who have little to eat, all expression of art, of music, or beauty? That too? Do you really not know that they need those things more than those who are well off?' – Yosyf, Cardinal Slipyi (1892-1984), Major Archbishop of Lviv and head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, speaking to the Synod of Bishops in 1971. (h/t Luca Pava Bresciano)

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