07 December 2018

Canadians Need Climate Change in Ottawa: Boot Justin Trudeau's Liberals out in 2019

Whilst I seldom post on purely secular, political matters, I do actually follow politics. However, I follow Canadian and British politics much more closely than I follow those of the US. I lived in Canada for years, and, as you know, my mother was a Hampshire woman, so those are where my interests lie.

However, this 'secular, political' story touches directly on Catholic Faith and practice, so I'm sharing it. 

From Everyday For Life Canada

CBC and state propaganda
Did you hear what the state broadcaster is now preaching to Canadians? The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, funded with 1.5 billion dollars from the tax payer, is telling Canadians that the best way to fight climate change is not to have a child. This will reduce the carbon footprint best. In other words, the family has become the main culprit of the climate crisis. We got a better idea: defund the CBC from tax dollars and free Canadians from state propaganda.

However, the CBC has nothing critical to say about the environment minister Catherine McKenna attending the 34th annual climate warming conference in Katowice, Poland. She's bringing along with her 126 people to the climate change party in Poland. Just think of what this meeting will cost the Canadian tax payer. It's all about making "smarter energy choices for others" while they jet-set, eat and drink lavishly for free. This is the reason Canada's government tells us we need carbon tax. The elites must party and the poor deplorable worker must pay.

Want to really reduce the carbon footprint? Stop telling Canadians to have fewer children and cancel these useless climate change international parties that accomplish less than nothing for the average citizen. Just use Skype. Why isn't Mckenna concerned about the footprint of her large delegation and the other 22,000 people who will attend this conference. Because the elites know better. What a shame!

So, the CBC tells Canadians not to have children in order to cut carbon emissions but has nothing but positive things to say about illegal and unvetted migrants coming to Canada from the United States. It gets even worse. Canada will be signing next week in Marrakech, Morocco the United Nations Compact on Migration. This agreement will make it easier for migrants to come to Canada. It paves the way to open borders. Consenting governments must allow the families of migrants to enter the host country without restrictions. All migrants are entitled to educational resources, health care and housing. And don't bother to vet immigrants anymore, just let them in.

When did the Trudeau government tell Canadians that they were signing this UN agreement? They didn't. But the same government spin is that it must "Provide a vehicle that mobilizes citizens in direct support of refugees and encourages a broader political debate that is supportive of refugee protection.” This comes from their own press release. Who is going to pay for the program? The Canadian tax payer. But the CBC will not report this. They and the of the MSM will get $595 million from the Trudeau Liberals (taxpayer pays again) to communicate the "truth". Guess what that truth will be?

Canadians realize that this migration policy is misguided and sick. It's anti-Canada. More immigrants can come to the country without any questions being asked. However, Canadians are to reduce their families to cut carbon emissions. There something terribly amiss here. Surely immigrants and their families have a carbon footprint. There is no limit to the hypocrisy and the self-serving nature of this government at the expense of Canadians.

Canada does need immigrants because the reproductive rate is just 1.6%. This is not high enough to even replace the current population. But is immigration the only answer? Would it not make sense to tell Canadians to have children for the future stability of the nation. Instead, Canada chooses to kill some 100,000 children every year through abortion. Justin Trudeau insists that "reproductive rights" can't be touched. (That abortion is not a right is another story.) And the nation's "heath care" system pays the cost of each unborn baby intentionally killed. This is absolute madness. It's anti-life and evil.

Canadians do need a climate change, but they need it in Ottawa. They need to boot the Justin Trudeau Liberals out of office in 2019. It's time to stop catering to the elites and wasting billions of tax dollars. It's time to pay attention to average Canadians who are interested in having a job that pays enough to raise a family. Canadians want to keep their nation and its democratic values. Enough of Trudeau's progressive politics and open orders. 

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