26 December 2018

4 Ways Evangelical Protestants Curiously Turn Catholic Every Christmas

Aironically amusing article. Having grow up as an old fashioned evangelical, I remember that the only time we read or discussed the New Testament or the Blessed Virgin in Sunday school was around Christmas.

From ChurchPOP

For some Protestants, these points won’t apply because they share these devotional practices with Catholics all year round.
But for other Protestants, mostly evangelicals and fundamentalists, who are normally very critical of Catholic devotional practices, here is some friendly food for thought.
Here are 4 ways they seem to curiously “turn Catholic” every Christmas:

) They set up “graven images” of Jesus, Mary, and other saints in their churches and home.

Avondale Pattillo UMC, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Aren’t these religious images distracting from Jesus? Aren’t they encouraging idolatry? And besides, don’t they know Jesus isn’t a baby in a manger anymore? He rose from the dead and is in heaven!

2) They sing songs about Mary and the saints

In addition to all the traditional hymns, one of the most popular Christmas songs in recent years has been “Mary, Did You Know?” Written by evangelical Protestants, it considers Mary’s perspective of the Christmas story.
But why are they focusing on Mary? Doesn’t that make her a distraction? Shouldn’t they just focus on Jesus? Here’s a helpful diagram:
via defendingthebride.com
via defendingthebride.com

3) They sing in Latin

e-codices, FlickrCC BY-NC 2.0
“Gloooooooooooooooria in excelsis Deo!”
What is that? It can’t be. It is! It’s Latin. Right there in everyone’s favorite chorus of the Christmas hymn Angels We Have Heard on High.
Don’t evangelicals know that nobody speaks Latin anymore, and that using it in church is a sign of a dead religion? Get with the times! It doesn’t matter if this hymn is beautiful and everyone knows what it means anyway – throw it out!

4) They celebrate Christmas, an unbiblical tradition of man started by the Catholic Church

Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons
The Bible no where tells Christians to have a special day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let alone to do it on December 25th. It appears to be a tradition of man started by the Catholic Church in the 4th century. (In fact, many Protestants didn’t celebrate Christmas until the 19th and 20th centuries in part because of this.)

The Response

In fact, some Protestants didn’t celebrate Christmas until the 19th and 20th centuries precisely for these reasons.
But for Protestants today, there are easy answers to all of these objections.
The religious imagery is not meant to be worshipped as idols, but is simply meant to be a reminder of important people and events in salvation history. The songs do the same thing. Even if they focus on Mary or other characters, they are ultimately about Jesus and the glory goes to God. And what’s wrong with Latin? Everyone know what they’re saying. Finally, the fact that Christmas as a holiday is an extra-biblical man-made tradition is just fine since it doesn’t contradict anything in the Bible.
These responses are all good and true.
They’re also exactly what Catholics say, too, when faced with just these sorts of objections from Protestants the rest of the year when we’re not celebrating Christmas.
Yes, there are still some important Catholic practices that evangelicals don’t partake in, even during Christmas (e.g. asking Christians in heaven for prayers). But the point is that there are many elements of Catholic devotion which evangelicals will criticize as obviously wrong when they see them in an unfamiliar, foreign-looking Catholic context, but will joyfully (and rightly!) embrace when seen in a familiar evangelical context.

So perhaps we’re not as far a part as we normally think! 😉

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