21 February 2019

Program for Disaster!

One Mad Mom breaks down the timetable of the (homo)sexual abuse summit farce, with appropriate comments.

From One Mad Mom

Can we just look at the program for this increasingly obvious waste of time in Rome this week? http://www.pbc2019.org/meeting/program
The Protection of Minors in the Church
9.30        1st PRESENTATION by Sig. Card. Luis Antonio Tagle:
Smell of the sheep. Knowing their pain and healing their wounds is at the heart of the shepherd’s task
Thirty minutes of a talk we’ve heard before ad nauseum.  Stop trying to smell like sheep and maybe listen to them for a change. And I don’t mean your handpicked ones.
10.15   2nd PRESENTATION S.E. Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna:
Church as field hospital. Taking responsibility
Thirty minutes of another talk we’ve heard before.  I am intrigued by “taking responsibility” and cannot wait to hear who they are referring to here.  I’m afraid of what I might hear, though, because I think I’ve heard multiple times this week the laity is supposed to apologize for clericalism. 
11.20   Working Groups
Seventy minutes of working groups.
12.30   Conclusion
Followed by a three and a half hour break!  It’s probably needed to help them get over the confusion of why they’re there in the first place.
16.00   3rd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Rubén Salazar Gómez:
The Church in a moment of crisis – Facing conflicts and tensions and acting decisively
Umm, I’m sure this isn’t THE biggest crisis the Church has faced, but “a moment of crisis?”  We’ve been talking about this for seventeen years by my count.  When is somebody going to to the “acting decisively” thing already?!?  I mean, we can’t even agree on what’s caused this, but that’s DEFINITELY not on the agenda for this meeting.
 16.45  Coffee break
Twenty minutes to get them through a bunch more themes they’ve heard before.
17.05   Working Groups
Fifty-five whole minutes this time!
Try to control your laughter.
9.15      1st PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Oswald Gracias:
Collegiality: sent together
Thirty minutes because nobody’s ever heard a thing about collegiality.  Oh, wait…
10.00   2nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Blase Joseph Cupich:
Synodality: jointly responsible
Thirty minutes on synodality, which now apparently means everyone is responsible for the mess some have created.
10.45   Coffee break
Twenty minutes to once again try to endure until the end of the charade.
11.05   Working Groups
This one looks like a whopping eighty-five minutes to regurgitate the endlessly repeated themes.
 16.00  3rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Linda Ghisoni:
Communio: to work together
Thirty minutes to wonder what in the hell the last seventeen years was about.
17.05  Working Groups
Another fifty-five minutes to figure out how to explain this to their flock followed by presentation of it.
It’s going to take me awhile to stop laughing at this title. Seriously, the Vatican has failed so miserably in this area and they’re now going to lead the charge? Okay. One word: Vigano.
9.15      1st PRESENTATION Sup. Gen. Sr. Veronica Openibo, SHCJ:
Openess: sent out into the world
Thirty minutes on heaven-knows-what, but I can tell there might be problems when you don’t even know how to spell it.  And, yes, I’m going there because how much money are we spending on the messaging? Homeschool moms say spelling counts!
10.00   2nd PRESENTATION Sig. Card. Reinhard Marx:
Transparency in a community of believers
Seriously?????? Somebody should have pointed him in the direction of cleaning up the mess in Germany before he attempted to tell the rest of the Church how to do it.
11.05     Working Groups
Eighty-five minutes to talk about how they got stuck with Cardinal Marx.
16.00  3rd PRESENTATION Dott.ssa Valentina Alazraki:
Communication: to all people
I hope it goes something like “Actions speak louder than words,” but I’m reasonably sure this isn’t going to be the message.  Talk is cheap and “communication” is even cheaper. It’ll probably have something to do with lists of accused which, apparently, they think is going to make us all feel better about the situation.
17.30   Penitential liturgy (Sala Regia)
Can you say photo-op?
So let’s review.  The heads of the bishops’ conferences got on a plane to Rome to hear four and a half hours of presentations followed by not even six hours of “working groups.” People! Some of those bishops took longer to travel there than that!  For heaven’s sake.  Synod on this, that, or the other thing goes on for weeks and THE biggest crisis in modern Church history gets about eleven hours of work time??? Un-be-lieve-able! And there’s nothing new we haven’t heard to death.  If the laity isn’t upset about this crud, there’s NO moving them.
So, sheep, field hospital, crisis, collegiality, synodality, openness (they can’t even spell that one in the program!), transparency, and communication. Holy Father, I think we heard you the first bazillion times you’ve used these themes.  Did we really need to waste everyone’s time flying them to Rome for more of the same led by the same old do-nothing people who believe in the status quo?
I am, however, totally happy that the USCCB proposal, which was quashed in October, was on the program. Just kidding. That’s been suspended without a word indefinitely.
I realize that this whole meeting is supposed to be some giant bone but it’s not going to do and we won’t let this die. We want the faithful protected.  We don’t want just a defrocked cardinal and a pat on the head. Fix the morality problem in the Church, bolster it with authentic Church teaching, and you just might get somewhere.  We know that’s the problem. It’s always been the problem when the Church has gone through crisis. Listen to the doctors of the Church and maybe just try what they said for a change.  What a novel thought!  Drop the politically correct hooey and get back to TRUTH! #CupichResignNow

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