His public actions as emperor and king, and his personal acts as a family man, were firmly based in the teachings of the Catholic Faith. His love for his Eucharistic Lord grew in times of trial and helped him to unite himself to Christ’s sacrifice through his own life’s sacrifice for his peoples. Emperor Karl honoured the Mother of God, and loved to pray the rosary throughout his life.
Strengthen us by his intercession when discouragement, faintheartedness, loneliness, bitterness and depression trouble us. Let us follow the example of Your faithful servant, and unselfishly serve our brothers and sisters according to Your will.
Hear my petitions and grant my request [mention your intention here].
Grant that Blessed Karl of Austria be deemed worthy of canonization, for the glory of Your Name, the praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and for blessings upon the Church.
We ask you that your servant Zita, Empress and Queen, will be raised to the altars of your Church. In her, you have given us an admirable example of faith and hope in the face of trials, as well as an unshakeable confidence in your Divine Providence.
We beseech You that alongside her husband, the Blessed Emperor Charles, Zita will become, for couples, a model of conjugal fidelity and love, and, for families, a guide in the ways of a truly Christian upbringing. May she who in all circumstances opened her heart to the needs of others, especially the very poor, be for us all an example of service and love of neighbour.
Through her intercession, grant our petition (mention here the graces you are asking for). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
One Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be.
Kindly inform the Abbaye Saint-Pierre (F-72300 Solesmes) of any grace or favour obtained through the intercession of the Servant of God Zita.
Imprimatur : 09/07/2009
† Mgr. Yves Le Saux
Bishop of Le Mans (France).
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