By Matthew Archbold
This is not a repeat story. This is new news. Yup.This reminds me of this famous tweet:

Please remember, the snake just wanted to dialogue with Eve.
The National Catholic Register reports: A new appointee to the Pontifical Academy for Life is a technical adviser for a group whose work includes improving the market for “safe abortion” supplies.
Sheila Dinotshe Tlou, a nursing professor who is a former health minister in Botswana and a leader in HIV/AIDS prevention and other health causes, also is an outspoken advocate of contraception, a position at odds with the Catholic Church’s teaching that artificial birth control is morally unacceptable.
On Oct. 15, the Pontifical Academy for Life announced her appointment as one of several new members whose expertise and background will help provide “a constant and fruitful interdisciplinary, intercultural, and interreligious dialogue.”
“This is absolutely the most humbling of all my appointments and awards,” Tlou said on Twitter Oct. 17. “With your prayers and support, I will give it my best. God bless.”
CNA sought comment and clarification from Tlou about her abortion views but she declined to comment until after February 2023. That is when the Pontifical Academy for Life is set to hold its next inaugural meeting, Tlou said.
Tlou served as minister of health for Botswana from 2004–2008. The country bars abortion except in cases where the mother’s life or mental or physical health is endangered by the pregnancy or in cases where the unborn child was conceived in rape or incest or has a fetal abnormality.
However, she is on the oversight committee providing strategic and technical guidance for SEMA Reproductive Health, a partnership launched in 2021 to help improve the market for “sexual and reproductive health products,” the group’s website says. These products include contraceptives, medicine to treat pregnancy complications, and “supplies for safe abortion and post-abortion care.”
According to SEMA Reproductive Health, these products are “critical to saving lives and advancing gender equality.”
Remember kids, colonialism is good only when it’s pushing death and anti-Christian ideas!
When I think of all the brave work being done by pro-lifers around the globe only to see it undercut by appointments like these, it makes me wonder how much longer this can go on.
How much longer?
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