13 January 2019

A Documentary Tells of the Change in the Lives of Those Who Pray the Rosary

“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” Blessed Pope Pius IX

From Rome Reports

The Polish documentary "Stories of the Rosary: Now and at the Hour of Death" gathers testimonies from various parts of the world, to see if praying the rosary makes a difference. 
Producer, “Historias del Rosario”
“In the film we see extraordinary cases. One of a woman kidnapped by Boko Haram, the Nigerian terrorists. She was about to have her throat cut and her son was thrown into the river. In the last moments she was praying the rosary when the people told her that they were going to lead her to her death.”
The documentary was the idea of Poles Mariusz Pilis and Dariusz Walusiak, who were shocked by a picture of a wounded soldier in Afghanistan. With a bloody hand he raised a rosary. 
Producer, “Historias del Rosario”
“An American soldier in Afghanistan was attacked by the Taliban and at the moment he appeared to be looked as if he was going to die, he was praying the rosary.”
There are five modern stories. Focused on the stories like that of the soldier in Afghanistan, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, and Nigerian bishop Olivier Dashe Doem. 
Producer, “Historias del Rosario”
“This film explains to people that at any moment, in any circumstance of life, day by day, the Blessed Mother accompanies us and helps us. If we pray, we will contribute to the things she decides. And the ideal prayer is indeed the holy rosary.”
The documentary was a box office success in Poland, where more than 100,000 people saw it. Now they hope to double that number this year in Spain, and in Latin America in 2019.

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