09 June 2020

The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Third Article

The Third Article
Q. WHAT is the third article?
    A. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary.
Q. What means, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost?
    A. It means that the second Person of the blessed Trinity took flesh of the Virgin Mary, not by a human generation, but by the work of the Holy Ghost.
Q. How prove you that?
    A. Out of St. Luke i. 31, 35. Behold (saith the angel) thou shalt conceive and bear a Son, &c. the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the virtue of the Highest shall overshadow thee.
Q. What understand you by the words, born of the Virgin Mary?
    A. I understand that Christ was born of her at midnight, in a poor stable at Bethlehem, between an ox and an ass.
Q. Why at midnight?
    A. To signify that he came to take away the darkness of our sins.
Q. Why in Bethlehem?
    A. Because it was the head city of David's family, and Christ was of David's race.
Q. Why in a poor stable?
    A. To teach us to love poverty and contempt of this world.
Q. Why between an ox and an ass?
    A. To fulfil that of the prophet, Thou shalt be known, O Lord, between two beasts, Habacuc xii. juxta Sept.
Q. What doth the birth of Christ avail us?
    A. It perfecteth in us faith, hope, and charity.
Q. What signifies, "born of the Virgin Mary?"
    A. It signifies that Our Lady was a virgin not only before, but also in, and after childbirth.

Next - The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Fourth Article

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