13 June 2020

The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Seventh Article

The Seventh Article
Q. WHAT is the seventh article?
    A. From thence he will come to judge the living and the dead.
Q. What understand you by this article?
    A. I understand Christ will come at the last day from heaven, to judge all men according to their work.
Q. Does every man receive a particular judgment at his death?
    A. He doth, but in the general judgment we shall be judged not only in our souls, as at our death, but also in our bodies.
Q. Why is that necessary?
    A. That as Christ was openly rejected, so he may there be openly acknowledged to the great joy and glory of his friends, as also to the confusion of his enemies.
Q. How prove you that in the judgment all men shall receive according to their works?
    A. Out of 2 Cor. v. 10. 'We must all be manifested (saith St. Paul) before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body according as he hath done, whether good or evil.' And out of St. Matt. xvi. 27. 'The Son of man (saith out Lord) shall come in the glory of his Father, with his angels, and then he will render to every one according to his works.'
Q. Is there any merit in our good works?
    A. There is, according to Apoc. xxii. 12. Behold I come quickly (saith the Lord) and my reward is with me; to render to every man according to his works.'
 Q. In what place shall this judgment be made?
    A. In the Valley of Jehosaphat, as many suppose between Jerusalem and Mount of Olivet.
Q. How prove you this?
    A. By its conformity to that of the prophet. I will gather together all nations, I will send them into the Valley of Jehosaphat, and there will I plead with them upon my people, and my inheritance Israel,' Joel iii.
Q. What signs shall go before it?
    A. The sun and moon shall lose their lights, there shall be wars, plagues, famines, and earthquakes, in many places.
Q. In what manner will Christ come unto it?
    A. In great power and majesty, attended with legions of angels.
Q. Who are they that shall be judged?
    A. The whole race and progeny of man.
Q. What are the things that shall be judged?
    A. Our thoughts, words, and works, even to the secrets of our souls.
Q. Who will accuse us?
    A. The Devils, and our own guilty consciences: in which all our thoughts, words and deeds shall presently appear, and be laid open to the whole world.
Q. How shall the just and reprobate be placed?
    A. The just shall be on the right; the reprobate on the left hand of the Judge.
Q. What shall be the sentence of the just?
    A. 'Come, O ye blessed of my Father, and receive ye the kingdom which is prepared for you, for I was hungry and ye gave me to eat, I was thirsty, and ye gave me to drink,' &c St. Matt. xxv. 35, 36.
Q. What shall be the sentence of the reprobate?
    A. 'Go ye cursed into eternal fire, which hath been prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and ye gave me not to eat,' &c. the same chap. v. 41, 42. You see of what weight good works will be at that day.
Q. Why is it added, the living and the dead?
    A. To signify that Christ shall judge, not only such as are living at the time of his coming, but likewise all such as have been dead, from the creation of the world; as also by the living, are understood angels and saints, by the dead, devils and damned souls.

Next - The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Eighth Article

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