10 June 2020

The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Fourth Article

  The Fourth Article.
Q. WHAT is the fourth article?
    A. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried.
Q. What understand you by suffering under Pontius Pilate?
    A. I understand that Christ, after a painful life of thirty-three years, suffered most bitter torments under the wicked president Pontius Pilate.
Q. Where did he begin those sufferings?
    A. In the garden of Gethsemani; that as sin began in the garden by the first Adam, so might grace also, by the second.
Q. What are those torments?
    A. His bloody sweat, his whipping at the pillar, his purple garment, his crown of thorns, his Sceptre of a reed, his carrying the cross, and many others.
Q. What understand you by the words, was crucified?
    A. I understand, he was nailed to a disgraceful cross between two thieves, for our offences, and to save us.
Q. Is is lawful to honour the cross?
    A. Yes, with a relative honour it is, because it is a special memorial of our Saviour's passion, and is called the sign of the Son of man, St. Matt. xxiv. 30.
Q. What other reason have you?
    A. Because the cross was the sacred altar, on which Christ offered his bloody sacrifice.
Q. What scripture have you for it?
    A. Gal. vi. 14. 'God forbid, (saith St. Paul,) that I should glory, but in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.'
Q. What other proof have you?
    A. Out of Phil. iii. 18. Many walk (saith St. Paul) of whom I have often told you, and now again weeping, I tell you that they are enemies to the cross of Christ, &c. whose end is perdition. And out of Ezek. ix. 4, where we read, That such as were signed with the sign Tau, (which was a picture and figure of the cross,) were saved from the exterminating angel, and only such.
Q. What signifies the word dead?
    A. It signifies that Christ suffered a true and real death.
Q. Why was it requisite he should die?
    A. To free us from the death of sin.
Q. Why died he, crying with a loud voice?
    A. To show he had power of his own life; and he freely gave it up for us, being strong and vigorous.
Q. Why died he bowing down his head?
    A. To signify his obedience to his Father, in the acceptance of his disgraceful death.
Q. What means buried?
    A. It means, that his body was laid in a new sepulchre, and buried with honour, as the prophet had foretold, Isa. xi. 10.

Next - The Douai Catechism, 1649 - CHAPTER III. - The Creed Expounded - The Fifth Article

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