09 June 2020

Cassocks?!?! What?

'Archbishop Gregory Orders Priests to Dress in Cassocks and Protest Trump on Monday'. I wonder how many of those modernist heretics even OWN a cassock?

From One Mad Mom

OK, before I even woke this morning, One Mad Dad sent me this:
I’m not even going to post the article because it’s pretty irrelevant. I mean, I think we all know by now that Archbishop Wilton Gregory is a political hack for the Democratic Party. Is anyone shocked he’s pulling this stunt? No. Can’t remember him once carrying about black lives in the womb. Can’t remember him once getting the vapors over the long string of pro-abortion Democrats receiving Communion in his various churches. Can’t remember him once ranting about Joe Biden, a supposed Catholic, “marrying” anyone, much less two men. Not once has he expressed shock at these people being admitted to a Catholic facility, let alone actually receiving Our Lord. I mean, Trump didn’t try that. He at least knelt and tried to look humble before God, but Pelosi and friends pretty much never express humility to anyone, much less God.
No, that’s not what I’m going to focus on. I’m focusing on this:
Archbishop Gregory Orders Priests to Dress in Cassocks
This “order” tells the world something most of us have known forever: cassocks scream “Catholic!” He just admitted this. But, actually, the conversations I’ve been imagining in my head all day until I’ve had time to sit down and pen this go like this:
Fr. Ted: What in the hell is wrong with Wilton. Cassocks? Where in the world would I find one of them?
Fr. Jim: I know, right? I haven’t had one since I burned it when Sr. Joan burned her bra. I mean, seriously. How patriarchal! How rigid! How clerical!
Fr. Ted: I might have mine in a box somewhere, but I doubt it would fit. That was the 60s, for goodness sake. And, yeah, clerical. I mean, I’m not even sure where my collar is at this point. I’m a man of the people. I only do tie- dye. And when I do wear religious stuff to, I don’t know, Mass or something, I’ve got my rainbow chasuble. What’s he going to suggest next? A biretta?
Fr. Jim: What in the heck is that?
Fr. Ted: Just another patriarchal symbol.
Fr. Jim: Honestly, doesn’t he realize we’d have to take money out of our vacation fund for this? I mean, I’m saving up for next year’s Burning Man. The diocese asked me to do some sort of pilgrimage, but I told them “No way!”
Fr. Ted: I wouldn’t even know where to shop for one of those. I’d have to go ask Fr. Rigid somewhere in Arlington.
Fr. Jim: Yeah! Again, what was he thinking?!?! I’m not sure why my Che Guevara shirt isn’t good enough.
Fr. Ted: Yeah, I’m thinking I’m going to wear my “Power to the People” t-shirt. Besides, I can’t take a knee in a dress! Come on, man. I’ve tried that before and it’s really awkward. Maybe it was the heels?
Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is their own darn fault.

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