13 June 2020

14 June, The Roman Martyrology

Décimo octávo Kaléndas Iúlii Luna vicesima secunda Anno Domini 2020

June 14th 2020, the 22nd day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

On the morrow we keep the feast of holy Basil, styled "the Great," Archbishop of Caesarea, in Pontus, Confessor and Doctor of the Church, of whom mention is made upon the 1st day of January, and on the 14th day of June, of his ordination to his see of Caesarea. In the time of the Emperor Valens he shone as a marvellous light, illustrious for teaching and wisdom, and shining with all graces, and defended the Church with wonderful firmness against the Arians and Macedonians.
At Samaria, in Palestine, [in the sixth century before Christ,] the holy Prophet Elisha. Holy Jerome writeth that the devils shrink from his grave, where also resteth the Prophet Obadiah.
At Syracuse, the holy Marcian, Bishop [of that see,] who was ordained Bishop by the blessed Apostle Peter. After he had preached the Gospel he was slain by the Jews.
At Soissons, the holy martyrs Valerius and Rufinus, who after suffering diverse torments were beheaded by order of the President Rictiovarus in the persecution under Diocletian.
At Cordova, [in the persecution by the Muslims,] the holy martyrs Anastasius a Priest, Felix a monk, and Digna a Virgin.
At Constantinople, [in the year 846,] holy Methodius, Archbishop [of that see.]
At Vienne, [in Gaul, in the seventh century,] holy Aetherius, Bishop [of that see.]
At Rodez, [in Gaul, in the sixth century,] holy Quinctian, Bishop [first of that see and afterward of Clermont.]
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

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