13 January 2019

Word of the Day: Little Office of Our Lady

LITTLE OFFICE OF OUR LADY. A shortened form of the Divine Office in honour of the Blessed Virgin. It contains seven hours, but the psalms do not vary each day. Already known in the tenth century, it originated in the monasteries and was early adopted by the Cistercians and Camaldolese. Retained after the Breviary reform of St. Pius V in 1568, but no longer binding under sin. Recited by many religious communities and used as a private devotion by the faithful.

Father has two errors in this definition. 1) the Little Office contains eight hours, just as does the Breviary; Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. And, 2) whilst the Psalms at Lauds, the Little Hours, Vespers, and Compline do not vary, the Psalms at Matins do, slightly. A nocturn of three Psalm is said each day. The First Nocturn is said on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays. The Second is said on Tuesday and Friday, and the Third on Wednesday and Saturday.

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