14 January 2019

When Tweets Become Problematic

After he got caught tweeting his Italian boy toy lover, 'Nighty night, Baby, I love you', one would think he'd never tweet again, let alone tweet rank heresy.

From Fr Z's Blog

A few days ago a priest friend texted me saying that Newark’s Archbishop Card. Tobin had begun to tweet again.  There was a hiatus in his tweeting after an… unfortunate incident.
I’m wondering if someone can verify whether or not this is really an account of Card. Tobin or if it is a fake.   The question arises after reading this…
When Jesus was baptized by John, he stood with all of us sinners seeking redemption. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the sinless Redeemer was reborn in grace as an example for us, and his Father was well pleased.
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At best this is awkward.  At worst this is heresy.  That phrase, “seeking redemption” goes with… Jesus? Sinners?  Who was “seeking redemption”?  “He stood…. seeking redemption.”  or “with sinners (who were) seeking redemption.”
The Redeemer was reborn in grace?  How could any “rebirth” be needed?  As an “example”?  What sort of example would that be, the sort that Pelagius would understand?
There’s a lot in that short tweet, isn’t there.
A lot of people reacted badly to that tweet. So many that a clarification was issued.
A clarification of yesterday’s tweet: The Church teaches that Jesus' eternal messianic consecration was revealed during the time of his earthly life at the moment of his baptism by John, when "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power” (CCC 438).
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