26 January 2019

Social Media Pressure A Factor In Apologies Of Bishops To Covington Boys

A trenchant observation on the power of social media in the battle which we are fighting.

From Restore DC Catholicism

This afternoon Bishop Roger Foys of the Diocese of Covington finally issued an official apology for throwing the boys under the bus at the behest of the leftie hyenas. While a tad weak, the words "I apologize" appear therein. I regret that is more than the March for Life leadership has done to date (no doubt causing Nellie Gray to spin in her grave). The apology and some analysis can be found on LifeSiteNews and elsewhere. Archbishop Kurtz of Louisville has followed suit and also apologized on his blog. So too did the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

My colleague at Les Femmes advises us that some high profile lawyers, acting on behalf of the students, are planning lawsuits against some of the barbarians who issued slander, libel and even threats against the boys.  I for one hope and pray that they are successful beyond their dreams.  That said, there exists the very real possibility that these three Catholic dioceses issued apologies to escape being targets for legal action; I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case.  At least something gave them cause for pause.  One Kentucky bishop, John Stowe of Lexington, continues to pile on the boys.  Lepanto Institute reveals that Stowe embraces just about all things heretical.  Perhaps the less-than-good bishop will find himself in legal cross hairs.

While I've no doubt that these prelates might well fear more lawsuits, we cannot discount the role that faithful Catholics all over the nation have played in this.  I'm sure many readers have joined in calling and/or emailing these dioceses to voice your displeasure.  Moreover, in Kentucky some have no doubt informed their prelates of their intentions to reduce or suspend any future donations.  Your voices, each and every one of yours', have played a pivotal role.  You probably heard of this atrocity over various blogs, Facebook,etc - in short, through outlets that are independent of mainstream media.

However, there are Catholics who, for whatever reason, are encouraging us to eschew social media, claiming that "it doesn't matter what we say".  I have seen this mainly on Facebook and have captured screenshots of those jaded sentiments.  The key player in this knows who he is, and may well be reading this post.  If I continue to see any more attempts to get us to stifle our voices, even if you believe your reasons to be spiritual and noble, I can promise you that you will be vociferously and publicly opposed.  If there is one thing for which I commend the left, it is their astute use of social media.  We are just starting to learn its power.  What a sin it would be for us to abandon this tool - and yes, I do mean to use the word "sin" in all its aspects.  It has proven to be of benefit to the Covington boys and I for one will take issue if other Catholics mistakenly deny their voices to these young men.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Social media and the internet have taken the stranglehold away from the mainstream media. Does anyone think they'd be backing off their attack if it weren't for the exposure? And thanks for sending folks our way.


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