From The Remnant
Looks like next month's Vatican summit meeting with the world bishops’ conference heads—called, ostensibly, to address the massive sex abuse crisis in the Church—will likely have all the effectiveness of a very nice bumper sticker.
The real problem in the Church today is, of course, homosexuality in the priesthood. But how can the Vatican be expected to address that when there are so many other more pressing problems to tackle? Clericalism, for example. That’s a biggie! And the abuse of power, immigration, plastic straws in the ocean. There’s a lot on the table.
And the Archbishop Viganò charges of homosexuality and the abuse of priests and seminarians? Again, clericalism! Abuse of power! Plastic straws!
Besides, isn’t he the “Great Accuser”?
Any hope that the Vatican might get serious about the Viganò charges of systemic corruption and cover-up more or less went up in smoke when it was announced that Cardinal Blase Cupich—the man who’d recently awarded Cardinal Theodore McCarrick with the 'Spirit of Francis Award'—would head up Pope Francis's February 22 meeting.
And now Operation Discredit Viganò has been confirmed by none other than the newly-appointed Vatican spokesman, Andrea Tornielli—the Italian journalist and personal friend of the Pope who has been appointed editorial director of Vatican media, i.e. just under Paolo Ruffini and just above the position of Vatican spokesman recently vacated by Greg Burke.
Far from signaling a Vatican change in attitude where Viganò is concerned, Tornielli doubled down by revealing the identity of the mysterious "Great Accuser" to whom Pope Francis alluded in the fall of 2018. He did so on air during an Italian interview to promote his new book “The Day of Judgment”, and we tip our hat to Diane Montagna for unearthing the video.
And who is the "great accuser"? Why, it's Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, of course! Now we know.
But, according to Tornielli, there’s an accomplice, as well. There are, in fact, two “Great Accusers”—Viganò himself as well as the mild-mannered and ever respectful (to Francis) retired bishop of Hong Kong, Joseph Cardinal Zen, who was less than thrilled when Francis sold out the underground Catholic Church to the Chinese Communists.
Moral of the story? Don’t cross the Merciful One!
The list of Great Accusers may well expand to include other critics of the regime, but that's it so far.
And now that the Great Accuser has been identified—his character duly assassinated—we can all sit back and let the Cupich Show begin, with everyone at the February meeting pretending that Francis is serious about tackling the worst clerical sex scandal in history.
Any objections? (READ: Anyone else want to become part of the Great Accuser Club?) I didn’t think so!
Let the Vatican Games continue. .
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