15 August 2021

Now That Cuomo Has Resigned

Cuomo just 'euthanised' a few thousand old people, right? What's the big deal? David Griffey has some thoughts.

From Daffey Thoughts

By David Griffey

It's time to get back to the big scandal of his administration. And that isn't anything about what he did to women, but what he did to thousands of nursing home residents. Remember that? Oh yeah. That's right. That was a thing for a minute.

Even as this article from February makes clear, Cuomo had become a pariah overnight when it was revealed that a tremendous amount of nursing home deaths from Covid could have been due to his policies. Furthermore, he then sought to hide the data rather than come clean. Always a bad move in politics.

But the press is jealous of its vague statistics and talking points cleverly isolated from broader contexts. Donald Trump Covid killed 600,000 Americans. Stop. That is all that should be repeated. No unpacking the numbers, like discovering that almost 20% of all deaths were, in fact, in nursing homes. Or that almost 80% of all Covid deaths in the USA are among individuals 65 and older. Nope. Just '600,000 Covid deaths/Trump', packaged, repeated, proclaimed and repeated again.

Having to deal with a story like the Cuomo nursing home scandal, and it leading people to bring out the ledgers and look at more than just a single media thrice-daily repeated stat for the masses, simply won't do. Therefore, shortly after this story broke - ta-da! - we have an oldie but a goodie, the always reliable sexual misconduct claims.

In the olden days, just the accusation of sexual misconduct in terms of an affair would do the job. Today it must be a violation of the only sexual ethic we have left, and that's a violation of consent. That did the trick. Almost immediately after the story of sexual misconduct broke, the nursing home story was all but dropped. That was the important thing.

Clever people at the top who are cynical about the media state's insistence that the vaccines that Trump was dangerously pushing to be developed are now the only hope for mankind, might want to take this opportunity to focus the press back to the nursing home scandal. After all, that is the big scandal out of New York politics for the year, not the one all the media is focused upon in the current news cycle.

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