02 March 2020

Coronavirus and Holy Communion

As I'm sure my readers are aware, several Dioceses worldwide have 'banned' Communion on the tongue because of the threat of the coronavirus. As Dr Kwasniewski discusses here, this putative 'ban' is a violation of Church Law and the Rubrics of the Mass. So why are they doing it?

Well, it obviously has nothing to do with preventing the spread of disease. Why do I say that? Think about it. I have received on the tongue most of my life. Never, in all those years, has a Priest stuck his fingers in my mouth. In fact, in Communion on the tongue, only one hand is involved, that of the Priest. I think we can assume that at least most Priests practise proper hygiene, especially before celebrating Holy Mass.

In Communion in the hand, however, there are two hands involved, that of the Priest and that of the communicant. Even if the communicant has washed his hands before going to Church, he has undoubtedly touched a number of things before Holy Communion, his keys, his steering wheel, the door handle of the Church. If he has put cash into the collection basket, he has touched one of the most germ ridden things in our daily life. If he has shaken hands with friends before Mass, or, at an NO, 'passed the peace', he's shaken hands with possibly several people who have all done the same things. 

So, now he approaches Holy Communion, with (literally!) God knows what bacteria and viruses on his hands and it's supposed to be 'safer' and less likely to transmit disease for the Priest to place the Body of Our Lord into his hand? I think not!

I am convinced that what is happening is that the modernists see an opportunity of further destroying belief in the Real Presence of Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Most Blessed Eucharist. If they truly believed in the Real Presence, Communion in the hand would never have been introduced in the first place. It is an open invitation for desecration, blasphemy, and other insults to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour!

If you are unfortunate enough to live in a Diocese where reverent reception of Holy Communion is banned, simply do not receive! Use an approved prayer for making a Spiritual Communion and let your Bishop know what you've done and why you've done it! Stand firm!

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