01 March 2020

Herr Goebbels Is Alive and Well

Father H on the social engineering being done by the media to further the LGBTQXYZ agenda.

From Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment

"LESBIAN, gay, and bisexual people are nearly twice as likely to appear on television -- where they take 11.9% of roles -- than would be expected by their estimated 6.4% share of the national population. 

"The figures come after the head of BBC drama defended its practice of crowbarring diverse characters and plotlines into adaptations of classic novels, in an attempt to reflect the demographics of modern Britain*. Critics have accused the corporation of pushing 'woke propaganda' ...

"Older people and the disabled are the most underrepresented minority groups. Over 50s account for 20.6% of on-screen contributions but make up 31% of the workforce, while disabled people get 7.8% of on-screen jobs and 5.2% of off-screen, despite being 17 per cent of the population."

It seems to me blindingly obvious that the Enemy has successfully, brilliantly, engineered a policy, clearly devised at the very deepest levels in the Lowerarchy, of indoctrinating and corrupting an entire society. I can remember the adoption, quite long ago now, by soap scriptwriters at Eastenders and The Archers, of storylines designed to 'educate' the moral assumptions of viewers and listeners.

Or can you think of a more convincing narrative explanation?**

C S Lewis, in his Essay about Reading Old Books, wrote powerfully about the need to remember that every age has its characteristic vices and virtues, but that the vices and virtues of each particular age are different. Hence, he advised, it is important to let the robust and cleansing winds of other centuries blow through our own minds. Never read a new book, he urged, until you have read or reread a couple of old ones.

But the Enemy is endlessly resourceful. He has easily devised ways to neuter the effect of Old Books. By means of TV 'adaptations' of some Old Books, he has cunningly erected new and strong barriers against the risk that current errors might be remedied by the influence of earlier authors.

I wonder if Coronavirus will allow me to live long enough to hear of attacks being made against Englit examination boards on the grounds that they have cruelly downmarked those candidates who write their answers on the basis of culturally polluted TV 'adaptations' of (ex. gr.) Jane Austen, rather than upon the actual boring old books.

Or perhaps it has happened already?


*Notice the circularities, the skilled sleight of hand, here. First, they use their Media to indoctrinate us; then they use the success of their strategy to justifiy their continued promotion of their own social and moral landscapes.

**Recently, some cispontine TV 'personality' (Philip Schofield ... I had never heard of him ...) made himself into a national Meejah superhero overnight by apparently revealing his inclination towards acts intrinsically disordered (actus  ... suapte intrinseca natura ... inordinatos: Catechism of the Catholic Church para 2357). For 36 hours, our screens were full of dim luvvies and 'diverse' weirdoes shedding buckets full of tears at the sheer, moving, splendour and wonder of it all.

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