10 March 2020

‘Grooming’: Washington Passes Far-Left Sex Ed Plan Promoting Promiscuity, LGBT, Abortion

If something doesn't happen soon to end this insanity, God will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology!

From LifeSiteNews

By Calvin Freiburger and Claire Chretien

Pro-family advocates have sounded the alarm by highlighting the graphic lessons of sex ed curricula that meet the bill’s standards.

OLYMPIA, Washington, March 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The Washington state legislature gave final approval this weekend to a pro-abortion, pro-gender ideology sex education plan that will allow the sex act to be described to five-year-olds, seven-year-olds to be taught about sexual pleasure, and sixth graders to be directed to a website featuring a how-to on anal sex.
Critics warn will these materials will expose children to explicit material and far-left values. 
The Washington Senate voted 27-21 Saturday to approve House changes to SB 5395, the Seattle Times reports, sending it to Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk for his signature. The bill would require Washington public schools to adopt new “comprehensive” sex education materials over the next two years. The bill “does not mandate any one curriculum but rather establish[es] standards to which all curriculum must conform,” Katy Faust, an children’s rights activist with Them Before Us, told LifeSiteNews.
Pro-family advocates have sounded the alarm by highlighting the graphic lessons of sex ed curricula that meet the bill’s standards. A sex ed curriculum by the pro-abortion, pro-LGBT group Advocates for Youth meets the bill’s standards and is already used in some Washington schools. Called 3R, it heavily promotes gender theory, promiscuity, condoms and contraception, and abortion, as well as what is listed at the beginning of this article.
The 3R curriculum also directs teachers to have 14-year-old students role-play negotiating for sex. Teachers are warned that if two “cisgender, heterosexual boys” end up randomly being assigned to each other for this exercise, “it is possible they will have a homophobic response.

A 3R lesson plan called “Creating Condom Confidence” has ninth graders practice putting condoms on bananas or penis models. Their homework assignment is to “see what it’s actually like to try to get them yourselves.” Students are told they have a “right to access” condoms “at any age” and that adults who make comments about them purchasing condoms can be reminded of that.

‘Propaganda, ideology, and grooming’

Supporters stressed that a centerpiece of the new content will be lessons about “affirmative consent” to sex, which Democrat state Sen. Manka Dhingra will prevent “future victimization” and “future violence” against women and girls.
Opponents, meanwhile, questioned the age suitability of the lessons.
“Who will decide what is age-appropriate, where there is clearly going to be differences in opinion?” asked Republican state Sen. Steve O’Ban. “Should that be a government-mandated decision from OSPI [the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction] or should that be based upon the values of parents as reflected in their school boards and schools? We’ve always believed that the best government is the one that is local.”
“To the age-appropriateness, I saw some of the same material that Senator O’Ban was speaking about,” said Republican state Sen. Keith Wagoner, referencing lessons the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction had cleared for fifth-graders. “And I can tell you, if it was a photograph instead of a drawing it would be pornography.”
Faust reviewed the educational materials that comply with the bill and identified numerous alarming passages, including references to “devout Catholics” and “pretty conservative” households supposedly leaving their kids ignorant about sex, highlighting “bathing together” and “mutual masturbation” as activities with “no risk” for sexually-transmitted diseases, and references to 12-year-olds using condoms.
Other messages contained in state-approved material, she says, include instructions on bondage and “body fluid play,” how males can allegedly have babies and why they should be allowed on girls’ sports teams, and how to obtain abortions, cross-sex hormones, and HPV vaccinations without parental involvement.
“Some of the approved curriculum is so graphic legislators couldn’t quote it in proceedings without getting ‘gaveled’ or silenced,” Faust said. “Capital television had to run a mature content warning when airing debate coverage, the equivalent of a rated R movie [...] Of course it’s heavily lobbied by Planned Parenthood, who has a vested interest in prematurely sexualizing their prospective clients/cash cows. This is not education. This is propaganda, ideology, and grooming.”
She noted that Democrats also rejected amendments to the bill which would have cut material related to sexual roleplay, forbade the materials from being incorporated into classes other than sex-ed, given opt-outs to both parents and teachers, required schools to solicit parental feedback, clarified that minors are legally incapable of giving consent to sex, limited the performance of these lessons to mental-health professionals, required mentions of pornography to include discussion its risks and dark side, added material about the benefits of abstinence, and more.
Inslee, a Democrat who has previously signed legislation forcing health insurers to cover abortion, is expected to sign the bill into law.

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