13 June 2019

SURRENDER: Malted Knights Make It Official

Michael Matt's take on the continuing destruction of a once proudly Catholic Order.

From The Remnant 

By Michael J. Matt

Not that we’re surprised, but. . .
VATICAN CITY — The head of the Knights of Malta [pictured left with Pope Francis], an international religious order that operates in about 120 countries, has formally forbidden the use of the pre-conciliar Latin language Mass in the order's liturgical celebrations worldwide.
In a June 10 letter written to the order's superiors around the world, obtained by NCR, Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre mandates that all of the community's masses be celebrated according to the ordinary rite, as promulgated in 1969 by Pope Paul VI following the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
"I have thus decided … that henceforth all the liturgical ceremonies within the Order must be performed according to the ordinary rite of the Church (rite of St. Paul VI) and not the extraordinary rite (Tridentine rite)," states Dalla Torre.
REMNANT COMMENT: This is precisely why The Remnant has, over the course of the last thirty years, become increasingly less than impressed with what some, for abundantly obvious reasons,  are now calling the Malted Knights.
With several notable exceptions, the Knights of Malta seem to have lost their way a long time ago.   If we reflect on the magnificent history of the knights, we can see that they have moved from being noble men-at-arms who defended the Faith to an Old Boys’ Club of wealthy men in armchairs who possess a mere honorary title, not unlike politicians being given honorary doctorates from a university without ever having opened a book to study the subject. 
Speaking of the leadership and individual knights—as opposed to the medical personnelle who do a lot of good around the world—it seems evident that serious Catholics still involved with an organization so steeped in mediocrity should give serious consideration to resigning.
The ‘Malted Knights’ are good at raising money.  Once a year they wheel sick people around Lourdes. They enjoy dressing up.  Other than that, it’s difficult to see what their point is anymore. And now these play actors are not even in possession of enough intestinal fortitude to stand strong for the Holy Mass of Christendom.  
Bravo, Knights. Thanks for clarifying exactly why it is that y’all carry dulled and harmless swords.

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