However, Pope John Paul II, when deciding to canonise him, wishing to make the point that the systematic hatred of whole categories of humanity propagated by the Nazi regime was in itself inherently an act of hatred of Christianity, ruled that Kolbe's death equated to martyrdom.
Now, we have a new martyr who is being called a 'new martyr of charity'. He is not a 'martyr of charity'! He is a martyr, pure and simple, slaughtered by the followers of the so-called 'Religion of Peace' for the simple fact that he was a Christian. He was not murdered by 'bad Muslims'. He was killed by Muslims true to their satanic 'faith', following their 'holy book' to the letter!
Here are links to two articles giving more information about this committed Traditional Catholic, cut off in the prime of life by swine not worthy to breathe the same air as Lieutenant-Colonel Beltrame.
From LifeSiteNews
From Church Militant
New Martyr Arnaud, pray for us!
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