31 January 2020

Witold Pilecki, the Man Who Volunteered to Become a Prisoner in Auschwitz

The story of Rotmistrz (Captain of Cavalry) Witold Pilecki of the Polish Army. He fought the Reds in the Polish Soviet War and the National Socialists in the 1939-45 War. He was a co-founder of Tajna Armia Polska, TAP (Secret Polish Army), and later a member of Armia Krajowa, AK (Home Army) which fought both the Red and Brown socialists.

Pilecki is now considered "one of the greatest wartime heroes". Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich writes in the forward to The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery: "When God created the human being, God had in mind that we should all be like Captain Witold Pilecki, of blessed memory." British historian Norman Davies writes: "If there was an Allied hero who deserved to be remembered and celebrated, this was a person with few peers." Ryszard Schnepf, Polish ambassador to the United States, described Pilecki as a "diamond among Poland's heroes" and "the highest example of Polish patriotism" in 2013.

After the War? Oh, he was arrested by the Communists, tortured, given a show trial on trumped-up charges, convicted and executed. May his memory be eternal!

Alleluia! Britain is Free!

It is 17.00 CDT, which means it's 23.00 in the UK and Britain is OUT OF THE EU! I've waited a long time for this day.

Years ago, when the European Union was still the European Economic Community and was true to the vision of its founders, as a federation of free and independent sovereign States, I was a strong supporter.

As it developed into the statist, anti-Christian and anti-Western unitary behemoth under German hegemony that it has become, subsuming the sovereignty of its subject States, I became an equally strong opponent. 

My Grandfather (Gnr, Royal Field Artillery) and my Uncle (Pvt, AEF) in the Great War, and my Father (PFC, 8th USAAF) and my Uncle (Sgt, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's)) in the 1939-45 War, all fought to keep Britain free from German domination. 

It galled my soul to see 'British' politicians selling Britain, lock, stock, and barrel, to the Germans under the guise of 'membership in the EU'. When the Brexit referendum was called, even tho' I am an American, I became involved in the Leave Campaign. I joined both UKIP and Leave.eu, paying my membership subscription to the former and donating to the latter.

The day of the referendum, because of the time difference, I stayed up all night, posting on social media to encourage the leave vote. I then stayed awake as the votes were tallied. It was looking very bleak for Leave when I left the house to go to the pub to 'drown my sorrows' with a dram or two.

I returned home and began to compose an obituary for Britain to post on my Facebook page. I fell asleep in my chair whilst working on it.

I was awakened by the fellow I cared for at the time. He knew that waking me unnecessarily was not a good idea to say the least! As I began to verbally flay him alive, he shouted 'Shut up! YOU WON!'

I got out of my chair, went to the front porch where the Union Jack was proudly flying, took it from its holder, and waved it as I shouted, 'We Won! God bless Britain and God damn the EU!' I'm sure my neighbours were more than a little confused!

As I said, I've waited a long time for this day! God bless a free and independent Britain, and God save the Queen!

De Mattei: The Simony of the German Bishops

Not only are most of the German Episcopate heretics and schismatics, they are simoniacs, charging cash for the Sacraments. ANATHEMA SIT!

By Roberto de Mattei
 Roberto de Mattei
Corrispondenza Romana
January 29, 2020

“How I would like a poor Church for the poor” exclaimed Pope Francis (L’Osservatore Romano, March 17, 2013). The antithesis of his ideal however, is embodied precisely by the church closest to him – the German one. The German Episcopal Conference, which sponsored ideologically and economically last October’s Synod on the Amazon, is in fact the wealthiest and most privileged enterprise in all of Germany. This wealth comes from the Kirchensteuer, a tax that the State devolves to the Church, by retaining a figure amounting to 8-9% of  the overall tax burden of German Catholics. The taxation though is obligatory, unlike other countries, where Churches are financed through the generosity of the faithful, freely choosing to pay out a part of their income.

In Germany, those who want to be exempt from the Kirchensteuer must sign a statement showing their abandonment of the Church (Kirchenaustritt), which, as a result, deprives them of the Sacraments. On September 20, 2012, the German Bishops decreed that those who asked no longer  to be registered in order to avoid paying the ecclesiastical tax, can no longer confess, receive Communion or Confirmation and, at their death, cannot have a Catholic funeral; they will not even be able to do voluntary work in a Catholic association, let alone work in a Church institution, such as a school or hospital.

In an interview published in Schwäbische Zeitung of July 17, 2016, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, denounced this glaring contradiction in these terms: “How does the Catholic Church in Germany react with those who don’t pay the Church tax? With automatic exclusion from the ecclesial community, which means excommunication. This is excessive – incomprehensible. Dogmas can be questioned and no one is thrown out. Is perhaps the non-payment of the Kirchensteuer a graver infraction than the transgressions against the truths of the Faith? The impression is, that, as long as what’s at stake is the Faith, it isn’t so tragic, but when money comes into play, then it is not to be trifled with”.

If the slogan of the American Colonies in the 18th century was “No taxation without representation”, the slogan of the German Bishops today is “No Sacraments without taxation”. If you pay you receive the Sacraments, if you don’t pay you are deprived of them. The wealth of the German Church is founded, in a word, on simony.  

Simony is a sin that has accompanied the history of the Church throughout the centuries, being associated frequently with the so-called “Nicolaism”, the concubinage of priests. The first synods of Gregory VII (1073-1085), the great reformer Pope of the Middle-Ages, were precisely dedicated to the fight against the simoniacal German Bishops, transgressors of ecclesiastical celibacy. A much graver plague than the selling of indulgences, which offered the pretext for Luther’s Revolution.   

The term simony comes from Simon Magus, who, it is written “offers  money to the Apostles” (Acts, 8.18) to acquire spiritual power. St. Thomas Aquinas, who dedicates an entire question in his Summa Theologica  to simony (q.100, II-II), explains that simoniacs are both those who buy or sell spiritual things: “Those who sell spiritual things are like Simon Magus in  intentions, whereas those who buy them are like him in actions” (q. 100, a. 1). According to St. Thomas “to receive  money for the spiritual grace of the Sacraments is a sin of simony which cannot be excused by any custom: since “custom does not prevail over the natural or Divine Law” (q. 100, art. 2, resp.). “Wherefore the custom, if such there be, of demanding anything as the price of a spiritual thing, with the intention of buying or selling it, is manifestly simoniacal, especially when the demand is made of a person unwilling to pay” (art. 2, ad 4).

Given that the Kirchensteuer extorts against the will of the taxpayer, the statement of abandonment  of the German Church (Kirchenaustritt) signed by those who want to avoid payment, is devoid of value in the eyes of the Church.  The Pontifical Council for the Holy See’s legislative texts, in a document dated March 13, 2006, explained that the abandoning the Catholic Church, for it to be validly configured as a true actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia, must be concretized in the following elements: a) an inner decision to leave the Catholic Church; b) the outer actuation and manifestation of this decision; c) direct reception of such a decision on the part of the competent ecclesiastical authority.” *

Every act that does not come from an inner motivation, but is obligatory, cannot be considered a free inner decision to leave the Catholic Church and is invalid. Furthermore, the parish priest should establish if there truly is the will to leave the Church, which never happens in Germany. The German Catholic who signs the Kirchenaustritt must not then fear being schismatic, if he does not have a real intention of abandoning the Church, but wants only to separate himself from the perverse financial system which ties him to the Episcopal Conference, for that matter, directed by Bishops who are not only simoniacs but also heretics and schismatics. The synodal path initiated in Germany by Cardinal Marx aims in fact at turning the sexual morality of the Church upside down and of subverting its hierarchal structure. It is a process of self-dissolution, which Catholics, in conscience, cannot collaborate with.

Many German Catholics criticize the Kirchensteuer, but state that they cannot help but pay it in order not to be deprived of the Sacraments. But with this they become accomplices in the simony of the Bishops. St. Thomas explains, for example, that  “ since nowise ought one to sin, if the priest be unwilling to baptize without being paid, one must act as though there were no priest available for the baptism. Hence the person who is in charge of the child can, in such a case, lawfully baptize it, or cause it to be baptized by someone else [..]And if he is unable to have recourse to another, he must by no means pay a price for Baptism, and should rather die without being baptized, because for him the baptism of desire would supply the lack of the sacrament.
 Will it be really impossible though,  in and outside Germany, to find priests and bishops willing to  administer the Sacraments to the conscientious objectors of the Kirchensteueur? We do not believe it; as nothing is impossible for those seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Justice (Mat.6, 33).

The French writer Ernst Hello (1828-1885) states that renunciation is the devil’s word. “God never renounces. The devil always renounces, even when he appears to act. He is the one who renounces. The man who renounces cannot do much and impedes everyone. The man who does not renounce lifts mountains” (L’uomo, [Man]Edizioni Paoline, 1958, p. 287).

What I fear the most today are the resigned and defeatist Catholics. Who are the defeatist Catholics? Those who are convinced that there is a disproportion of forces between us and our adversaries (which is true) and that we can do nothing more than accept the de facto situation (which is not true). The defeatist Catholics criticize the Kirchensteuer in private, but think it useless to criticize it publically, because they think nothing will change.

On January 20, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, said this in his homily for the Feast of St. Agnes: “with the blood of her young life, St. Agnes witnessed Christ, Son of God and only Savior of the world. And so she encourages also us here in Rome and Europe, to profess our Catholic faith publicly, without fearing men.”

In Germany those who criticize the German Episcopal Conference publicly and refuse thus to pay the Kirchensteuer, do not risk death, like St. Agnes, but risk being deprived of the Sacraments and in particular, of being censured socially. It is a hard trial certainly, but perhaps we ought to take example from those Catholics in England at the time of Elizabeth I, or in France, under the French Revolution, who were deprived of the Sacraments and persecuted, but stayed faithful to the Catholic faith. Secularized Europe needs heroism, not defeatism.

Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana

Catholic-Protestant Communion Pact Trashes Apostolic Succession

More filthy heresy from the Germans! Apostolic Succession 'has been believed everywhere, always, by all', the Vincentian Canon to prove if something is de Fide!

From Church Militant 

By Jules Gomes

Eucharist and Lord's Supper are not identical, warns Vatican cardinal

ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - A German ecumenical declaration on intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants has trashed the ancient doctrine of "apostolic succession" as unverifiable and concluded that the Protestant Lord's Supper is also "valid."

"The assumption of an unbroken chain of laying on of hands by the apostles until today ... cannot be proven historically," declares "Together at the Lord's Table: Ecumenical Perspectives in the Celebration of the Lord's Supper and Eucharist."  

Authored by the Ecumenical Working Group of Protestant and Catholic Theologians, the document suggests that "the practice of mutual participation in the celebration of the Lord's Supper/Eucharist [is] theologically justified, respecting the liturgical traditions of the other."

The agreement recognizes "baptism as a sacramental bond of faith and a necessary condition for participation," making it possible for Protestants who have married Catholic spouses to receive Holy Communion.

But Cdl. Kurt Koch, president of of the Pontifical Unity Council, rejected the conclusions of the group last Monday, arguing that the Catholic Eucharist and Protestant Lord's Supper are not identical. "Many contested questions in the understanding of the Eucharist, for example, the concept of 'victim' or the question of office, do not even appear in the document."

Canon lawyer Bp. Markus Graulich SDB, under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legal Texts, has also slammed the document for "continuously masking out or questioning of the sacrificial character of the Holy Mass."

The former professor of canon law at the Pontifical Salesian University notes that "the vertical dimension of the celebration of the sacraments are completely ignored" while "the focus is on the community aspect," with the end result being that "the Holy Mass is reduced to a meal."

"Do we really mean the same thing when we speak of the Lord's Supper and the Eucharist?" asks Graulich. "The belief in the real change of the gifts of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, which takes place in the Eucharist, is very different from the idea of the presence of the Lord in the Protestant Lord's Supper."

Church Militant examined the 57-page German document, voted on in September 2019, and identified its fundamental flaw as the devaluing of apostolic succession as indispensable for the priesthood. 

Graulich concurs: "The understanding of ordination in the Catholic Church is fundamentally different from the understanding of ministry in the Reformed communities."

The declaration does its best not to offend Protestants by pointing to their lack of valid orders due to the absence of apostolic succession. Consequently, it downgrades the Catholic view of priesthood as contingent on apostolic succession.  

It also affirms Protestant ministry as possessing "apostolicity" by "the pure proclamation of the gospel and the right administration of the sacraments" — citing conditions laid down by the Protestant reformers.

The document claims:

Tradition usually attributes the separation in the eucharistic meal to differences in the understanding of the official leadership. In this regard, the protection of participation in the apostolic mission is urged. In the meantime, a common, differentiated understanding of the apostolic succession has been achieved in numerous national and international ecumenical dialogues, which enables the ordained ministry in its various denominations to be considered apostolic: In the New Testament writings, the term "apostle" refers not only to the twelve disciples, but also to the witnesses to the risen Christ.  
Debunking the Catholic doctrine of apostolic succession as historically unproven, the document affirms the Protestant idea of "connection between the apostolic origin and the religious life of the churches today" as made possible "through the preaching of the gospel in word and sacrament by virtue of the Spirit of God."

Hence, "according to ecumenical conviction, the presence of Jesus Christ is promised for the meals" — an affirmation of Lutheran, Calvinist or Zwinglian ideas of "eucharistic presence" but a denial of the Catholic doctrine of "Real Presence" through transubstantiation. 

The declaration claims that the "doctrine of transubstantiation formulated at the Fourth Lateran Council" actually "did not categorically preclude a conceptually different interpretation of the sacrament, by describing the term transubstantiation as aptissime (extremely appropriate) to describe this secret of faith, and thus kept this term open for future theological reflection."           

The result is the theological reductionism of the Eucharist to a community meal: "The crucified, raised and exalted Jesus Christ invites us to a meal, we are his table companions. His invitation transcends and encompasses the denominational boundaries and boundaries that stand in the way of the visible unity of Christianity."

Graulich asks to "what extent is the belief that Christ invites you to a meal compatible with the practice that the Church draws boundaries when it comes to admission to Communion?" adding, "It is not primarily a church meal, but the deepest form of encounter with the crucified and risen Lord."   

The canonist comments:

Personally, I can see little serious argument in the paper, apart from some interesting historical details in the first part. There are only many quotations from the writings of the reformers and documents from the Reformation. In addition, many terms are placed side by side on an equal footing, [but] theologically speaking they have very different meanings.
Catholics are concerned that the declaration will be used by the German "synodal path" to promote intercommunion between Catholics and Protestants. 
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, archbishop of Munich and Freising, a leading progressive among the German bishops, has already asserted his claim on the validity of the Protestant Lord's Supper: "Do we really believe that Jesus is standing at the door of the Protestants, and then they sit down for the Lord's Supper and then Jesus says: 'No, I will not sit down with you.' We can't imagine it, right?"

In addition to Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and "high Church" Anglicans also hold to the doctrine of apostolic succession.

Apostolic succession is mentioned as early as 80 A.D. by Pope Clement I of Rome and St. Irenaeus of Lyons who writes of being "in a position to enumerate those who were instituted bishops by the apostles and their successors down to our own times." 

Saint Jerome wrote in 396 A.D.: "Far be it from me to speak adversely of any of these clergy who, in succession from the apostles, confect by their sacred word the Body of Christ and through whose efforts also it is that we are Christians."


In what way may one use the Holy Name of God as a homage rendered to Him?

One may use the Holy Name of God for this purpose by calling it as witness to the truth of what one says, or by invoking it in praise (LXXXIX.-XCI.).
If one calls on the Holy Name as witness to the truth of what one says or of what one promises, what is this invocation called?

It is called the oath (LXXXIX. 1).
Is an oath a good thing in itself, and to be commended?

The oath is good only when grave necessity demands it; and it should be used with extreme reserve (LXXXIX. 2).
And to adjure or to swear, what is that?

To adjure or to swear is an act which consists in calling on the name of God or upon some holy thing in order to induce someone to act or not to act in the way we wish (XC. 1).
Is this act allowable?

Yes, provided it be done with respect and according to the condition of those whom we adjure (ibid.).
Is it good to invoke often the name of God?

Yes, provided one do this with the greatest respect and in the form of praise (XCI. 1).


Queen Mother Comes Home (1954)

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother returns from a five week trip to Canada and the US.

Reconquest of Cordoba by St Fernando III of Castile, 1236

Real Crusades History #74. And don't forget the Real Crusades History website!

In the early 1230's, while the Almohads were locked in civil war, Fernando III of Castile and Leon, a truly outstanding king in history, gathered his army and Crusaded to win some of the most dramatic gains in the history of the long Reconquista of Spain against the Arabs. Fernando would inflict a severe blow to the Muslims of Al-Andalus by recapturing Cordoba, the splendid Islamic capital of generations of Arab emirs. Fernando's piety and zeal for the Crusade against the Moors would win him sainthood in the Catholic Church.

Breaking: Pope Francis Opens Door to Abolish Priestly Celibacy According to Leaked Amazon Synod Doc

How Long, O Lord, how long!?


By Diane Montagna

Pope Francis’ post-synodal exhortation of the Amazon Synod will abolish celibacy, according to several bishops who have leaked the document. 
ROME, January 31, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei is claiming, based on documents he has received from “several bishops,” that Pope Francis’ post-synodal exhortation of the Amazon Synod will open the door to abolishing priestly celibacy in the Latin church.  

According to documents obtained by Corrispondenza Romana, the apostolic exhortation, due for release in February, repeats almost verbatim a paragraph dedicated to priestly celibacy the synodal final document.

De Mattei argues that the inclusion of this text effectively “opens the door” for the German Bishops, and others, to create a married clergy. “There is no reason to prohibit in other regions of the world what will be permitted in some parts of the Amazon,” he writes.

Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah have co-authored a new book on priestly celibacy, taking a firm stand against the priestly ordination of married men in the Latin Church. 

In the work, Benedict XVI writes:

The ability to renounce marriage in order to place oneself totally at the Lord’s disposal is a criterion for the priestly ministry. As for the concrete form of celibacy in the ancient Church, it should also be pointed out that married men could only receive the sacrament of Holy Orders if they had committed themselves to sexual abstinence, that is to say, to a Josephite marriage. Such a situation seems to have been quite normal during the first centuries.
This statement echoes his reaffirmation of the sacred meaning and obligatory character of priestly celibacy, in his 2007 post-apostolic exhortation on the Eucharist, Sacramentum Caritatis:

“In union with the great ecclesial Tradition, with the Second Vatican Council and my Predecessors in the Petrine Ministry, I affirm the beauty and the importance of a priestly life lived in celibacy as an expressive sign of total and exclusive dedication to Christ, to the Church and to the Kingdom of God, and consequently confirm its obligatory character for the Latin tradition” (n. 24).”

In a recent interview on their co-authored book, Cardinal Robert Sarah has also asserted:

Priestly celibacy is not a simple canonical discipline. If the law of celibacy is weakened, even for a single region, it will open a breach, a wound in the mystery of the Church. There is an ontological-sacramental link between the priesthood and celibacy. This link reminds us that the Church is a mystery, a gift from God that does not belong to us. We cannot create a priesthood for married men without damaging the priesthood of Jesus Christ and His Bride, the Church.
Here below is an English translation of Prof. Roberto de Mattei’s article, published this evening in Rome.”

The news we are now reporting was in the air, but the confirmation has come to us confidentially from several bishops who have received a part (not all) of Pope Francis’s post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on Amazon Synod. This part substantially reproduces paragraph 111 that was approved in the synod’s final document

Many of the Church communities in the Amazonian territory have enormous difficulties in attending the Eucharist. Sometimes it takes not just months but even several years before a priest can return to a community to celebrate the Eucharist, offer the sacrament of reconciliation or anoint the sick in the community.
We appreciate celibacy as a gift of God to the extent that this gift enables the missionary disciple, ordained to the priesthood, to dedicate himself fully to the service of the Holy People of God. It stimulates pastoral charity, and we pray that there will be many vocations living the celibate priesthood. We know that this discipline “is not demanded by the very nature of the priesthood” (PO 16) although there are many practical reasons for it. In his encyclical on priestly celibacy, St. Paul VI maintained this law and set out theological, spiritual and pastoral motivations that support it. In 1992, the post-synodal exhortation of St. John Paul II on priestly formation confirmed this tradition in the Latin Church (cf. PDV 29).
Considering that legitimate diversity does not harm the communion and unity of the Church, but rather expresses and serves it (cf. LG13; OE 6), witness the plurality of existing rites and disciplines, we propose that criteria and dispositions be established by the competent authority, within the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests suitable and respected men of the community with a legitimately constituted and stable family, who have had a fruitful permanent diaconate and receive an adequate formation for the priesthood, in order to sustain the life of the Christian community through the preaching of the Word and the celebration of the Sacraments in the most remote areas of the Amazon region.
Therefore, the door is open. There is no reason to prohibit in other regions of the world what will be permitted in some parts of the Amazon. The German bishops, and others, are ready to extend access to the presbyterate to married men deemed suitable by the competent authorities. What is being gotten rid of is not only a “ecclesiastical discipline” subject to change, but a law of the Church based on a precept of divine and Apostolic origin.

Fifty years ago, at the symposium of European bishops held in Chur in July 1969, Cardinal Leo-Joseph Suenens, during his concluding conference, read an appeal by Hans Küng to suppress priestly celibacy. This request was consistent with the role which progressive theology assigned to sexuality: an instinct that man should not repress through asceticism, but “liberate,” by finding in sex a form of “realization” of the human person. Since then, this demand has expanded and accompanied the process of the Church’s secularization and self-demolition.

In reality, the transgression of celibacy and simony were the great plagues that have always afflicted the Mystical Body of Christ in times of crisis. And the call to continence and evangelical poverty was the battle standard of the great reforming saints. In the coming days of February, the anti-Reformer will not be, as has happened so often, a bishop or a group of bishops, but the successor of Saint Peter himself.

Ecclesiastical celibacy is a glory of the Church and what he is demeaning is the very will of Christ, transmitted by the Apostles even to our day. How can we possibly imagine Catholics to remain silent in the face of this scandal? 

Translated from the Italian by Diane Montagna of LifeSiteNews.

The Vortex — The Bishops' 'Bad List'

Michael Voris discusses Bishop Barron, his heresies, and his calls for censorship of blogs and news sites that actually tell Catholics the truth. Brilliant and powerful!

“Your Problem Is That You Believe That a Father Is Necessarily a Male”-

May God have mercy on France! They have a madman as President of their Satanic Republic!

H/T to the Australian Family Coalition

"Your problem is that you believe that a father is necessarily a male".

Not the words of some trans activist, but the President of France!

With France currently debating IVF to create fatherless children, a pro-family leader bailed up President Macron at a recent event.

She asked him how he could honour the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and yet support the proposed new laws.

And Marcon's response: to question whether all fathers are necessarily male!

How can we have faith in political leaders when they can't even accept basic biology?

 (In French)

Macron : “Votre problème, c’est que vous croyez qu’un père est forcément un mâle”

SJW Thugs Go After FishEaters

Yesterday evening, Vox Clamantis, owner of the FishEaters site and forums, posted this:
If the site goes dead, here's why:

Click here to enlarge-JW)
If it goes dead, I'll try to get it up elsewhere.
The sub-sections of the site dealing with Judaism are crucial for Catholics to understand. They are in no way anti-Semitic, don't buy into racial theories of Judaism, explicitly reject violence, etc., and if some people can't understand that, they don't want to. 

I will keep my readers posted.

Has Elections Canada Become the Liberal Party Censor?

Daddy's Little Boy, a/k/a Justin 'Bieber' Trudeau, moves Canada ever closer to a Stalinist dictatorship.

From Everday For Life Canada

Rebel News is being investigated by Elections Canada. The director of Rebel News Ezra Levant wrote a book called, The Libranos to expose the Liberal corruption under the leadership of Justin Trudeau. The book came out during the last election and it seems that Trudeau wants to shut down anything that is critical of his time in office and the Liberal Party.

One would think that the job of a good journalist and news organization is to report the facts and offer an opinion based on the information provided. No, this is not good enough for Elections Canada. Levant received a legal notice before Christmas that his book publication possibly broke the law and that an investigation was started. We should note that there are no investigations of books published about Trudeau during the last election that were supportive of his leadership.

Yesterday Levant met with  two security officers working with Elections Canada in Ottawa. The  government  message is clear: show up and plead guilty even if you have done nothing wrong or things can get worse. Levant didn't follow instructions and was smart enough to record the kangaroo style interview. The officers weren't looking for the truth, but were on a fishing expedition to see how they could in any way find Levant guilty of a crime he didn't commit. The Elections Canada cops would nor tell Levant who was the complainant.

Canada is supposed to have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These are the pillars of a democracy, in order for it to survive. The interrogation of Levant is something one would expect from Orwell's 1984 or from a dictatorship, not Canada. Canadians need to be on guard and support freedom of speech regardless of whether they're on the left or the right or somewhere in between. Freedom of speech is what we should all defend and promote. Elections Canada should not be the Liberal party censor. Do watch the interview and consider joining the battle for freedom of speech in Canada with a donation to Rebel News to legally push back. 

A Few Facts About the 'Religion of Peace' and the First Crusade