18 November 2021

Pray The Latin Mass Wherever We Can

Many of us had worried that the State might drive us underground. For Trads, it looks like it will be the Vatican doing it.

From Restore DC Catholicism

Traditionis Custodes might well be renamed "Traitorous Custodians" for that is what the pope and his handlers are to the Sacred, God-given Traditions of the Church.  No one who has the barest modicum of reading and comprehension ability can gainsay that TC reeks of animosity towards the Mass that has been the mainstay of thousands of saints, martyrs, Doctors of the Church.  There is a saying that "as goes the Mass, so goes the world".  Saint Padre Pio once said that it would be easier for the earth to survive without the sun than without the Mass.

We can see during these past few decades how civilization has been crumbling ever since Bugnini et al dared to tinker with the Mass.  Michael Hichborn, president of Lepanto Institute, delves into some of the subterfuge of Bugnini and buddies that resulted in the vastly inferior Novus Ordo Mass; please read here.  Their end game is the destruction of the Holy Mass.  

But this Mass is of Divine origins, so ultimately the forces of evil cannot succeed.  As more than a few of us did during the lockdowns, we may have to find this Mass done "off the radar", so to speak.  Hundreds of years ago, Catholic Ireland faced the same dilemma.  They took to the hills and offered Mass there.  We may have to do the same as did our forefathers long ago.  Our Lady of Fatima promised that in the end, her Immaculate Heart, and Our Lord, would triumph. Meanwhile, with Rosary in hand and hearing the Latin Mass wherever we can, we must stand firm.

1 comment:

  1. This is so spot on, many Traditional clergy have mentioned it. One priest Father Z listed a few weeks ago in his blog. I think he was an FSSP priest but I know the parish was traditional that was to be axed in the coming weeks by the local dictator, er, ah, I mean bishop. Fr. David Hewko's Marian Corps has been doing this for about 3 years now, reading masses in private homes. Like the old Paladan TV show, have gun will travel, here its have chalice will travel, wire Hewko, Massachusetts. He used to read mass here in the U.S., Canada, England and Australia but now due to the scamdemic he is no longer allowed in Australia or Canada. I don't know what Francis was thinking when he came out with this declaration of modernism but I will never attend a Novus Ordo and have to feel I am by no means alone.


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