18 November 2021

Charlemagne Wouldn't Let His Daughters Get Married? Why?


In this documentary, we ask why did Charlemagne, ruler of the Frankish Empire and founder of the Holy Roman Empire, refuse to allow his daughters to marry? If they’d gotten married, they would’ve had to have done something that he did not want them to do. What does this tell us about women in the Middle Ages?

Charlemagne's history is remarkable. He was rival to the Byzantine Empire, and his reign as King of the Franks and Emperor of the West came to define the western medieval world.

Charlemagne doted on his daughters. The court poet Angilbert gives a striking description of Charlemange’s daughters: There was Rotrud, Charlemagne’s favorite, her pale blonde hair intertwined with ribbons of violet and strings of pearls, a coronet of gold circling her head. Next came the lovely Bertha, wearing a golden diadem, with golden filaments sparkling in her gleaming hair, her snowy shoulders covered by an ermine wrap, her belt shining in many colors. Then there was lily-white Gisla, appareled in a purple gown shot through with tints of mauve, her face, her hair gleaming with many lights. Even the teenaged Theotrade was clad in rare emeralds adorning her lovely neck. Learn about Charlemagne's rise to power in this video: https://musingsofanoldcurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2021/10/charlemagne-king-who-built-medieval.html

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