19 November 2021

Cardinal Mahony Tags in for Cardinal Cupich

Roger the Dodger had to help Stupich convince the Bishops to throw the unborn under the bus and continue to blaspheme the Blessed Eucharist.

From One Mad Mom

Card Mahony encourages US bishops to take the ‘pathway to constructive dialogue

Really? Is Cardinal Cupich really doing such a bad job for them that they stoop to trotting out disgraced Cardinal Mahony? Why anyone would think we should listen to one of the biggest failures of a cardinal is beyond me. “Dialogue” under his reign consisted of putting their heads together to hide abuse and give passes to anyone sinning.  If anyone believes in the Real Presence in California after he and his cronies were done with it, it’s despite them, not because of them. We’re still trying to put the pieces back together in this abysmal state thanks to them.

Hope I can keep my lunch down while reading this one…

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gathers from Monday to Thursday in Washington, D.C., for its Fall Plenary meeting. In an interview with Vatican News, Cardinal Roger Mahony sheds some light on a document on the Eucharist that is on the agenda.

By Sr. Bernadette Reis, fsp

The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church is the title of a document on which the Bishops of the United States will vote during its Fall Plenary this week. This document sparked debate among the Bishops themselves during their plenary meeting in June.

And why did it cause debate? Because the small minority of loud and proud doesn’t want to talk about anything resembling the Faith, because if they don’t keep their liberal elitist buddies happy, it might hurt their social calendar.

In September, Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop emeritus of Los Angeles, wrote a letter to his brother bishops expressing his thoughts on the proposed document. In an interview with Vatican News, the Cardinal helps us understand the causes of some of the debate over this document.

Your Eminence, back in September, you sent an open letter to your brother Bishops regarding the proposed document on the Eucharist that will be discussed by the USCCB during its plenary beginning on Monday. Can you tell us your thoughts on the proposed document in its present draft?

Uh, according to the likes of the Jesuit publications, it supposedly doesn’t say much. So why would there be any consternation amongst his people? Oh, the aforementioned publications, of course.

I think it’s unfortunate that we’re even having this document before us because recall this topic came up at the Ad limina visit we had last January 2020 before Covid hit. The Holy Father, of course, is always, always looking for the path of encounter and dialogue to deal with issues like this, especially among the Bishops. And then Cardinal Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith, sent a quite lengthy letter to the Bishops of the United States, at the Holy Father’s urging, in which he outlined the process for us to go through. It was a wonderful three-step process in that letter, in which we would meet regionally for maybe 2 or 3 days together. And really come to know each other, to understand what was going on, what our differences were. We didn’t do that because of Covid. If we had done it I think we would be in a far different situation. And if we had really had this honest dialogue among ourselves and got to understand each other’s positions and then acted as the communion of Bishops with our unity, we could have found a path forward. I believe we would have decided we do not need this document.

Translation? We should have just put off the notion of teaching people about the Source and Summit of the Faith until they forgot about it.

Remember this document was intended primarily to go after and penalize Catholic legislators. However, the Holy See reminded us that the Bishops’ conference has no power to mandate something binding on every bishop and every diocese in the country or any country without being approved by the Holy See. The document of any kind should be at the very end of the process. That’s why I am so unsettled about this document that we have before us.

First of all, this is a red herring. How many times will they say something like this that isn’t true? Apparently a thousand more times. By “go after and penalize” do you mean “save the souls of”, Cardinal Mahony? I know that was never a priority under your miserable tenure, but some bishops actually care about things like not wanting their flock to keep trotting down the road to perdition.

First of all, this document is totally unnecessary because at our June meeting we also approved a path forward for Bishop Andrew Cozzens and his Committee on Evangelization, which will begin after the holidays – a two-year intensive program of revitalization through the Eucharist ending in 2024 with a National Eucharistic Congress. So, we already have in place this important piece. I think the document as we have it is being passed just as we come up on the holiday season, no one is going to read, it is not something that can be put into a pamphlet form of teaching document. It will never have any impact because, right after the holidays, we’re getting into this Eucharistic Revival, which is what we should be doing in the first place.

This document is necessary because you and your old cronies failed at the most basic teachings of the Faith. “Eucharistic Revival” cannot be attained when some of you don’t actually believe in the Real Presence. You need to teach by example, and since your example has always been a dog and pony show with dancing girls when it comes to the Mass, it’s about darn time you start doing what you profess instead of sitting on your little Pharisaical throne. You and your buddies have always cried “consensus”, a ridiculous finger wagging attempt to get people to bow to your whims, but suddenly, more than 3/4 of the episcopacy doesn’t agree with you and that’s just not working for you anymore.

You’ve brought up the fact that the original debate that the document sparked was definitely about the fact that it was concentrating perhaps on targeting a message to pro-choice politicians and yet Catholics in the United States and other places in the world have had to endure a lot of revelation about scandalous behaviour regarding priests and Bishops. Why haven’t we heard something similar against these grave sins against communion?

Bahahahahaha! Good question. Let’s talk about the scandalous behavior of priests and bishops. What?! Cardinal Mahony starts to stammer?

Precisely. First of all, we are a democratic republic. Our country’s path is one of separation of church and state. And so, it’s a very difficult position for politicians, Catholics, who are pressured by some in the Church to make all of the decisions based on Catholic Church doctrine. That is very difficult, it’s almost impossible. If you would want to say that any elected Catholic, or any Catholic judge who at any time has ever voted for or issued a decree or a judgment in any way whatsoever that somehow allowed abortion in some form or another, you have got maybe hundreds of thousands of people right there. That is simply unworkable in a democratic republic.

Wow! The question, as I recall, was on the scandalous behavior of your buddies, Cardinal Mahony. Do you need to turn the hearing aids up? Your answer is that politicians “are pressured by some in the Church” to put their Faith first?!?!?! To put Truth first?!?!?! To save as many babies as possible?!?!?! That’s unworkable? And any student of truth knows Jefferson’s “wall of separation” comment was about protecting the Church from the State, not the other way around, but yeah, keep on with the obfuscations.

What I think we have failed to do is realize the good faith of our Catholic legislators.

Uh, what faith? The faith of Nancy “I’m going to make it possible to kill many babies as possible” Pelosi? Or Joe “I’m personally opposed to abortion but I’m going to make it possible through all 9 months and, oh, BTW, I’m going to marry a divorced woman AND marry two guys” Biden? They throw Christ and the babies under the bus every chance they get. Don’t you understand that these two and many more are looking at a really painful eternity? Don’t you care at all? And, before you point out that we’re all sinners, let me clarify ONE MORE TIME. There’s a HUGE difference between simply sinning and sinning while saying your sin is not a sin and that you’re just peachy to receive the Holy Eucharist because you think you are. WE want them to join the rest of us who admit we’re stupid fools who try our best to conform ourselves to God’s will and to get ourselves in line for confession when we fail so that we are able to receive Our Lord.  The Act of Contrition says “I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.” Not “I firmly resolve to tell everyone my sin is fine because my conscience lacking of formation tells me so.”

And I was thrilled on June 18th, 60 Catholic Members of Congress, issued a statement of principles. I read it through two to three times, and I said, “This is us! This is the Church!” They want to collaborate with us in many ways and they gave a whole list of ways we could collaborate beginning with reducing as much as possible the need for abortion and the occurrence of abortion. When I read it, I said, “This is the pathway to constructive dialogue. They want to help us in their rule to do what we want to do. And it’s amazing! And so, it prompted me to do an open statement to my brother bishops because no one’s ever heard of this and it’s precisely the constructive dialogue that Pope Francis insists. And they started it. They gave us the open door. And they quoted heavily from Church teaching. But their sincerity, their desire to work together with us was astounding. And I just hope instead of worrying about documents, we enter into the dialogue and start working with them.

Repeat after me: “Killing babies is never a solution.” The Cardinal is either naïve or evil. You can probably guess my vote. They take money from Planned Parenthood. It’s all about the money. Do you actually think Planned Parenthood is on par with Mother Teresa? My gosh, pick up a newspaper. I’m waiting for these members of Congress to pass some laws banning partial birth abortion or the harvesting of fetal body parts from babies delivered ALIVE. If you’re not evil, Cardinal Mahony, you need to get your head out of the sand.

That goes back to the synodal process that the Holy Father is offering to the church at this time. Again, talking about the Sacrament of Eucharist as communion among believers. It seems that those believers who find themselves in high levels of government in the United States are willing to sit down and talk. So how can we encourage the building up of this type of communion in order to avoid the division that seems to be caused?


How much longer are we going to talk? Don’t you think it’s quite clear to Nancy Pelosi that she is violating the laws of the Church? If you want to call it “divisive” to protect the Eucharist or the unborn, then call me divisive and I’ll just keep calling you a hypocrite. It is YOU and yours who need to stop rejecting and twisting the Faith that is causing all the dissension. St. Paul wrote all about you:

17 Brethren, I entreat you to keep a watch on those who are causing dissension and doing hurt to consciences, without regard to the teaching which has been given you; avoid their company. 18 Such men are no servants of Christ our Lord; their own hungry bellies are their masters; but guileless hearts are deceived by their flattering talk and their pious greetings. 19 You are renowned all over the world for your loyalty to the gospel, and I am proud of you; but I would wish to see you circumspect where there is a good end to be served, innocent only of harmful intent. 20 So God, who is the author of peace, will crush Satan under your feet before long. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Any chance I could get you to pay a little attention, Cardinal Mahony?

In the synodal process that we are now beginning, what is the number one thing the Holy Father has in all those documents? Listening to each other. Reflecting. Discernment. What a wonderful vehicle.

One that you wholeheartedly reject if what is being said doesn’t jive with your designs.

And we haven’t done that. And so to be honest with you, I don’t see anything is going to happen with this document or next week in Washington, D.C., that is going to bring about this unity.

The ONLY unity that matters is unity in the teaching of Christ which is something you want everyone to ignore. I’m not unifying with the thought of committing sacrilege against the Eucharist or the thought that the murder of the unborn ain’t so bad as long as we acknowledge homelessness.

 I think what’s going to happen is we will pass this. Hopefully, we will accept the offer of the Catholic Congress members and move forward with them after the holidays, with the new Eucharistic revival. And those elements will bring together the unity and communion that we all want.

Uh, whatever happened to your “separation of Church and state” canard? I don’t care if the Catholic is a member of Congress or a guy who works at a grocery store. They all need to bend their will to Christ’s teachings. They all need to revere the Eucharist. There isn’t some special class of citizens who gets to do as THEY will and still attain salvation. In the end, you and your elitist friends will have to answer for your sins just as the rest of us. You do a HUGE disservice to the faithful by leading people to believe anything else and THAT you will have to answer for.

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