As we are faced with a Jesuit in the Papacy and Fr Jimmy Martin, LGBTQSJ spewing filth, I thought a couple of pointed Jebbie jokes were in order. H/T to an old friend.
A mother went to her pastor and explained that her son seemed very interested in becoming a priest. She asked what this would require.
The priest began to explain. “If he wants to become a diocesan priest, he’ll have to study for eight years. If he wants to become a Franciscan, he’ll have to study for ten years. If he wants to become a Jesuit, he’ll have to study for fourteen years.”
The mother listened carefully, and as the priest concluded, her eyes brightened. “Sign him up for that last one, Father. He’s a little slow!”
A Jesuit, a Benedictine, a Dominican and a Franciscan were on a boat that sprung a leak some distance from the shore. As the boat began to sink many sharks began to circle to circle it.
The Benedictine, well aware of the soothing power of music, went to the prow of the boat and began to sing the Benedicite from the Office. Just as he got to the line, "O ye Whales, and all that move in the Waters, bless ye the Lord" a huge shark jumped out of the water, seized the Benedictine in his monstrous jaws and gulped him down.
The Dominican rushed to the spot and with a profoundly theological sermon began to convict the sharks of the error of their ways and call them to conversion. In the middle of his most convincing argument another huge shark jumped out of the water, seized the Dominican in his monstrous jaws and gulped him down.
The Franciscan knew it was love not logic that moves the spheres and so, since the boat was by now very low in the water, he too stepped into the prow of the boat and addressed the swimmers, "Brother Sharks, we are your brothers and fellow creatures who love you dearly". At those words a third huge shark jumped out of the water, seized the Franciscan in his monstrous jaws and gulped him down.
By this time the boat had finally sunk, and the Jesuit had no choice but to begin to swim for shore. The sharks closed in quickly and began to circle the Jesuit. Round and round they went, escorting him to the beach, and they did not leave him until he finally walked ashore safe and sound. The crowd on the shore was amazed and asked why the sharks behaved in such a manner. "Oh, that," the Jesuit replied, "professional courtesy."
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