A Short Exchange on the Assaults on Two Anti-Abortion Demonstrators
From FishEaters Forum, a short exchange in a thread dealing with the assaults that have taken place in Canada.
What's with these two obvious homosexuals assaulting pro-lifers ? You'd think it would be a non-issue for them.
It's all part of the same diabolical agenda. It's no different than a priest being pro-life even though he won't be having any children himself. The left love gay 'marriage', but their most important sacrament is abortion. They may claim to be atheist and secular, but modern liberalism is a religion, complete with its dogmas that you have to believe or you're a heretic who must be shunned.
My input was to point out that we now have two blatant assaults that are recorded on video. The violent perpetrators are both identified, but there have been no arrests. the police 'investigations' are 'ongoing'. This is what happens in a country with absolutely no laws regulating babykilling and whose Prime Minister is a devout adherent of the Culture of Death.
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