07 October 2018

A Letter to the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Absolutely brilliant! I was a strong supporter of Brexit, a member of UKIP and a donor to Leave.eu. I am not a Brit, but my Mum was, and I feel strongly about this issue. My Grandfather and one Uncle did not fight the Germans in the Great War, and my Dad and another Uncle in the 1939-45 War, just so Britain could become part of the Fourth Reich!

From Gates of Vienna

A Letter to the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
by Seneca III
Dear Prime Minister,
Inasmuch as you appear to be having great difficulty in implementing the will of the people, we offer the following letter for you to present to the European Union on our behalf.
Signed, Yours respectfully, Joe and Joanne Public.
The Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland hereby advises the Commissioners, Parliament(s) and the Heads of State of the remaining 27 member States of the European Union of our intention de jure to leave the European Union on the 29th March 2019 according to the terms of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Let it be understood that this is our final and irrevocable position according to the following Articles of Intent, and that this severance will be completed in absolute and in all respects as follows:
1)The Departure date is 29 March 2019: This date is neither negotiable nor extendable. 

2)Payments: There will be no ‘divorce’ payment(s) or gratuitous payments of any kind, be they presented under whatever designation or pretense the unelected bureaucrats of the EU conjure up. 

3)National and International Borders: The Government of the United Kingdom will decide if, where, when, how and according to what regulations our borders and the territories included there within are established, maintained and enforced according to international law after Departure and without any input or directives from the European Union or its acquiescent satrapies. This does not preclude negotiation with independent, self-governing individual Nation States who in the future have also departed the European Union and with whom we or they have or wish to establish a common land and/or sea border or neither. 

4)Bank of England loan to the European Central Bank (£3.1 billion): To be repatriated to the Bank of England in two increments of £1.0 billion and a final increment of £1.1 billion, each increment falling due on the 29th day of March of each of the three years following separation beginning on 29th March 2020. Compound interest of 1% (one percent) per calendar month or part thereof shall be levied on late or shortfall increments. 

5)Trade: Trade negotiations may commence after Departure if and when it is convenient to the Government of the United Kingdom. It is anticipated that after separation we shall be heavily involved with trade negotiations and agreements on a global scale and time for any further negotiation with the European Union, or what remains of it, may not become available until after we have firmly established a global footing. Again, this does not preclude negotiation with independent, self-governing individual Nation States in the future who have also departed the European Union and with whom we and they wish to establish such agreements. 

6)Immigration and visiting:No European citizens other than fully integrated long-heritage European stock of no less than 4th generation status and who are fluent in a European language shall be permitted entry to the United Kingdom after 29th March 2019 for any reason including time-limited tourist/education visas unless said entrants hold accredited diplomatic status. Any qualifying European Union citizens desiring to visit, study or take up permanent or semi-permanent residence in the United Kingdom must demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for the duration of their intended stay; they shall not be permitted to vote in any election for public office at any level nor in referenda unless and until they have been granted British citizenship. European citizens currently resident in the United Kingdom will be treated in the precisely the same manner as United Kingdom citizens currently resident in what remains of the European Union. Different and more stringent conditions will apply to non-European citizens making formal application for entry or entering or attempting to enter illegally.

7)International sea and air transport:Will continue according to international law and established treaties. Audemus jura nostra defendere.* 

8)Defence:The United Kingdom will maintain its commitments to NATO; it will not join or participate in any other pan-European Defence organisations, but retains the right to join in bi-lateral arrangements with individual independent Nation States if and when such circumstances arise. Her Majesty’s Government notes that some NATO members are not meeting their obligations in full, and this will be taken into consideration should any hostilities involving NATO arise. During the interim period following Departure as the UK charts its own international path the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance shall remain in place for a period of five years from 29th March 2019 in anticipation of changes within the Eurosphere resultant from the implosion of the European Union. The same time frame will apply to the Entente Cordiale (with some internal reservations). Both will be reviewed at the end of five years. 

9)Existing scientific, engineering, technical and security co-operation/joint ventures:These will be continued and sustained according to any and all current agreements and treaties until such expire, and in which case shall then be subject to renegotiation. In the case of security, we are prepared to manage our affairs alone if co-operation is not forthcoming from elsewhere. 

10)Foreign Affairs:The United Kingdom will implement its Foreign Policy in whatever direction or manner it so chooses entirely independent of the European Union and its Foreign Policies and in conjunction with other independent Nation States where applicable, mutually beneficial and desirable. 

11)Law and Jurisprudence:Laws in the United Kingdom shall henceforth only be made or abolished in the Parliaments of England and Scotland. All laws adopted from or imposed upon us by the European Union shall be abolished in their entirety on the day of Departure and, where applicable, be replaced by those laws extant before the Great Betrayal. English Common Law shall prevail in England and Wales; Scots Law shall prevail in Scotland; Northern Ireland Law shall prevail in Northern Ireland. Courts in the United Kingdom will adjudicate on those Laws only and no other Courts situate within (Sharia) or outside of the United Kingdom shall have any influence on nor determination thereof. 

12)Faber est suae quisque fortunae. Alea iacta est.**

Signed, (Theresa Mary May), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, this(xxth) day of (month) 2018.

All Articles graciously approved by the Senior Civil Service and Signed on behalf thereof by, (Oliver Robbins, CB), The Prime Minister’s Europe Advisor, this(xxth) day of (month) 2018.

— Seneca III, in Middle England roughly five months from either evolution or revolution this 5th day of October 2018.
*“We dare defend our rights.”
**“Every man is the artisan of his own fortune. The die is cast.”

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