06 October 2018

A Day Late-Portuguese Revolution 1910

Yesterday was the 1o8th anniversary of the deposition of Dom Manuel II, King of Portugal. Just over two years before the Freemasons had murdered his father King Dom Carlos I and his older brother, Luis Filipe, Prince Royal of Portugal. With his deposition, they succeeded in overthrowing a Catholic monarchy that had existed since the success of the Reconquista in Portugal.

Dom Manuel II
"The events which transpired in Portugal in October 1910 did not greatly affect the world at large. For Dom Manuel II, the last king of Portugal, they were profoundly important. By the autumn of 1910, the likelihood of a Republican revolution in Portugal was so great foreign journalists even went there to witness the end of the monarchy. The stage was thus set for the overthrow of a venerable dynasty, one which had occupied the Portuguese throne for 270 years, and the downfall of an ancient monarchy back some eight centuries.

The House of Braganza, which had ruled Portugal since 1640, provided the country with more rulers— fourteen— for a longer period of time than any of her other dynasties. Manuel II was the last member of that family to occupy the ancient throne. He was only eighteen years old when he suddenly found himself king following the murder of his father and older brother in February 1908^ and he ruled but two and one half years before the Republican revolution removed him from power in October 1910. The remaining years of his life he spent in exile abroad largely occupied with the collection of an extensive library of early Portuguese literature. When he died suddenly in the summer of 1932, he was only forty-two."

- "The Downfall of a King: Dom Manuel II of Portugal", Russell E. Benton, 1975

Dom Manuel wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece

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