25 July 2021

'Traditionis': A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words. Wherein Fr. Z Is Deeply Moved.

An absolutely powerful post about a picture that distils the devotion and piety that the TLM is able to foster in the person in the pew.

From Fr Z's Blog

This is one of the most beautiful expressions of “full, conscious and active” participation at Mass that I have ever seen.

It is another way, a silent but outward way, to express those amazing words:

“My Lord and my God.”

You may at some point have heard that the Traditional Latin Mass “reduces people to spectators”.  You may have heard the canard that you are not “active” participants unless you are doing something outwardly. If you aren’t singing everything or saying everything or looking at the priest looking at you, then you aren’t participating. Critics of the older form of Mass claim that the congregation is forced to be “passive”.

That’s simply false.

True active participation is active receptivity to what Christ, the true Actor during Mass, wants to give us through Holy Church’s liturgical worship. Our baptism makes us capable of participating at Mass and then we engage our will and minds to follow carefully the words and gestures of the sacred action. This culminates in the perfect form of active participation, which brings the outward and physical and the inward and spiritual together: the reception of Holy Communion in the state of grace.

And kissing the words on the page at the consecration.

You will respond, perhaps, that the Novus Ordo also has a consecration.

Yes, it does.

However, with the “Eucharistic Prayer” (so many available that the essence of ritual is compromised) being always aloud, one usually has little chance to reflect on what is happening at the consecration.  You are dragged along by the stream of words, amplified with mic and sound system, often with the priest trying to penetrate your brain with his meaningful spotlight gaze.  Invasive?  You are often beaten into interior passivity.

On the other hand, in the Traditional Form, at this time you have liturgical, ritual silence.  There won’t be grins or eye contact. There won’t be booming words.  There will be quiet.  Then there will be a bell.  Then there will be silence.  Then there will be a bell.  Then, silence or perhaps the continuation of a Gregorian or Polyphonic Benedictus.

Or….. the clash of piano and guitars as, again, you are invaded by your liturgical puppet masters who din you into singing a response… and which one will it be this time?

Kneeling in the silence.

Kissing the page in your well-worn missal at the consecration.

What’s more, handing on that hand missal, as a treasure, to the next generation.

Handing on THE MASS, a treasure, to the next generation.

THAT’s tradition, my friends.

The bishop in the tweet, recently called a tradionis custos, was fostered by his own custos traditionis, his mother.

Who kissed the words of consecration.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

Become a Custos Traditionis (HERE) and don’t forget the Novena to St. Ann (HERE).

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