16 December 2020

When Tusken Raiders & Neil Armstrong Crash the Nativity…

OMM interrupts her Thanksgiving-through-the-New-Year break to discuss the Vatican sci-fi Nativity scene.

From One Mad Mom

I had planned my usual Thanksgiving-through-the-New-Year break to focus on Faith, family and friends, but I guess the Vatican had a different plan. I’m sure everyone’s seen it by now, but if you haven’t, here’s a link to the Vatican’s HIDEOUSLY twisted Nativity scene; https://wdtprs.com/2020/12/the-2020-vatican-nativity-scene-cameo-appearance-by-the-mandalorian-and-baby-yoda/ Sorry, if you haven’t seen it, I should have warned you that you instead may just want to enjoy what’s left of the Faith, the country and society in general. I will say that this representation is pretty dang representative of the Faith these days, though. It’s ugly, confusing, and twisted, but the Vatican is still trying to spin it as beautiful. In reality, it mocks the Holy Family and it was a stick in the eye to the suffering Faithful. Mission accomplished, Vatican! I mean, even America Magazine had a hard time with that one. You know it’s bad when America Mag posts this much truth in one article. https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2020/12/12/vatican-nativity-christmas-pope-francis-239486

In an effort to cleanse my mental palate, I ran across this depiction of the Holy Family and I think it might be my favorite yet.

A small minority in Catholic Twitter, of course, went into nitpicking mode with a “I don’t think Joseph would ever get that physically close to Mary. It’s as bad as the Vatican’s.” For Heavens’ sake! What I saw, though, was a man protecting and comforting a wife and child after a long journey in Mary’s ninth month of pregnancy, ending in birth in a stable in near freezing weather, and sleeping with animals and shepherds with little possessions to help. In short, I saw a man doing his job to take care of the family charged to him, a job made even more difficult in an extraordinarily challenging circumstance, which he accepted with a Faith most would not have. It’s exactly the kind of scene we need right now.

So, my advice to finish out what might be the last peaceful-ish Christmas we get for a long time is to look toward the True Faith, family, kindness and beauty that is usually seen this time of year and avoid looking at the car wreck that is our Church and our country right now. We need to fortify ourselves for the upcoming years and we need to find the interior peace to get through them. Don’t let satan or the dimwits in charge of art at the Vatican take that away. Fight the good fight but don’t let it consume you.

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