24 December 2020

Eastern Rite - Gospel Book

Today is the Vigil of Christmas and the Feast of Ss Eugenia, Venerable Martyr, and her two slaves, Protus and Hyacinth, by whom she was converted to Christianity. She was put to death in prison at Rome on Christmas Day A.D. 257 in the reign of Valerian, Emperor.
In the Eastern Church the Gospel Book (Greek: Εύαγγέλιον, Evangélion) is a central liturgical item. It is considered to be an icon of Christ, and is venerated in the same manner as an icon.

Traditionally, Eastern Christians will never cover the Gospel Book in leather—the skin of a dead animal—because the words of Christ are considered to be life-giving. Animal skins are also reminiscent of the Fall of Man, when God fashioned garments of skin for Adam and Eve after their disobedience (Genesis 3:21). The Apostle Paul speaks of Christ being the "New Adam" (1st Corinthians 15:22,47-49), and the Eastern Churches understand Christ as coming to clothe mankind in the original "garments of light" which Adam and Eve lost in Paradise. Traditionally, the Gospel is covered in gold, the earthly element which is best symbolizes the glory of Heaven. If gold in unavailable, the Gospel may be covered in cloth.

The Gospel Book rests on the center of the altar table, as the Cross of Christ was planted in the center of the earth. This placement of the Gospel Book also represents the activity of Christ at the Creation (the square Altar representing the created world). The Gospel rests upon the antimension, which remains on the Altar at all times, as Christ will remain with the Church until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20)

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