12 April 2020

Easter Dinner at Stary Latka

Our house is called Stary Latka, Czech for 'old stuff' because that's what it's full of, including its human occupants. 

The Cuter & Shorter Half claims not to like holidays, but she knows how important Easter is to me, so she put on a spread today. Anyone who has seen my posts regarding food knows that a tablecloth is not a normal appurtenance of our table and nor are flowers. The daffodils,  however, were picked in order to prevent their freezing tonight.

So, here it is.

Salad, baked potato, macaroni and cheese, carrots, vegetarian 'steak' (made with TVP and quite tasty!), bread sticks, with wine for her and beer for me. And delicious cheese cake for dessert.

A fitting feast for the Feast of Feasts!

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