16 April 2020

Ads on Musings of an Old Curmudgeon

A few weeks I posted If You'd Like to Help Musings of an Old Curmudgeon, in which I said,
Before I go into detail, let me say a few words about ad content. I have been told that occasionally the ads are, shall we say, a bit risqué? At least I hope that's all they are. Needless to say, I don't spend a lot of time reading the blog. I seem to have no way of controlling ad content, beyond making it clear to Google that this is a Traditionalist Catholic blog. I have searched and searched for settings that give me some control, but with no success. If any of my readers have a suggestion or know how to control ad content in Google AdSense, please let me know!
As I mentioned, I have received complaints regarding the ads. I was pretty sure I had no control over them, but with a bit of further research I learned that a) they differ for each reader of the blog, and b) that they are specifically targeted to the individual reader and based on algorithms according to the websites and web-pages the reader regularly frequents, and the purchases he makes. I'm glad to know that I'm not responsible!

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Comments are subject to deletion if they are not germane. I have no problem with a bit of colourful language, but blasphemy or depraved profanity will not be allowed. Attacks on the Catholic Faith will not be tolerated. Comments will be deleted that are republican (Yanks! Note the lower case 'r'!), attacks on the legitimacy of Pope Francis as the Vicar of Christ (I know he's a material heretic and a Protector of Perverts, and I definitely want him gone yesterday! However, he is Pope, and I pray for him every day.), the legitimacy of the House of Windsor or of the claims of the Elder Line of the House of France, or attacks on the legitimacy of any of the currently ruling Houses of Europe.