When I shared Critics: Utah Bill on Confession Would Criminalize Priests, Not Counter Sex Abuse on Facebook, a friend commented,
A Penitent who confesses to breaking the law, he or she will not receive absolution unless they report their crime to the appropriate authorities. Further, no priest will break the Seal of Confession. He will go to prison first..
I responded with this scenario,
I know that, but an LGBTQXYZ 'activist' won't care. He confesses, the Priest refuses absolution until he goes to the police, but keeps the Seal. The activist goes to the police. The Priest has committed a crime as far as the State is concerned, by not reporting the 'confession'.
In fact, that seems to be the only reason for these attacks on the Seal of Confession, because as the article I posted said,
“There is no evidence that forcing priests to disclose cases of abuse learned of in the confessional would have prevented a single case of child abuse,” she said in her Intermountain Catholic column. “On the other hand, there is every reason to believe the elimination of the privilege would mean that perpetrators would simply not bring it to confession.”
If someone has committed a crime against a child and a law similar to this is in place, how many abusers are going to take the chance that the Priest hearing their confession won't go to the police? Yes, the Seal is sacred and 99.99∞% of Priests would go to jail rather than violate it, but what abuser wants to take the chance that his confessor is in that tiny percentage who would violate the seal and be excommunicated rather than go to jail?
In other words, the real aim of these laws is to demonise the Church and give the atheist, LGBTQXYZ left-wing 'activists' a tool to persecute faithful Priests.
And I can guarantee you that it will only be faithful Priests that are targeted! The Lavender Mafia and their followers who claim that God erred in deeming perversion a sin will not have a thing to worry about!
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