19 January 2020

Local Luddite Puzzled by Lack of Social Media Success

More satire from the Editors of The Imaginative Conservative!

From The Imaginative Conservative

(Richmond, Texas)—Local man and founder of Luddites of Southeast Texas, Thomas W. Franklin, is having trouble understanding why his efforts to promote his group on social media are meeting with little success. “I don’t get it,” Mr. Franklin says. “I’m putting all these posts on Facebook in the wee hours of the morning, when I’m up drinking coffee that I made from beans I ground myself by hand, and I wait and wait until 4 or 5 in the morning, and no one is ‘liking’ them. I mean, forget about a ‘heart’ or a ‘wow’ reaction, not even a ‘like.’ I just don’t get it.”

When asked about his strategy in creating Facebook posts, Mr. Franklin replied: “Well, I don’t use pictures, as they’re too modern and are just a distraction from the content anyway. People will click on my essay if it is simply worthy enough. And I try to make the titles both informative and gripping. So, for example, some of my recent posts were called “Social Unrest and Popular Protest in England, 1780-1840,” “A Short History of the British Working Class Movement, 1789-1925,” and “The Early English Trade Unions: Documents from the Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office.”

Yet, with his Facebook page having a total of only eight fans, Mr. Franklin remains completely baffled. “Why my fellow Luddites aren’t engaging with my Facebook page is just beyond me. Maybe I should try Twitter or LinkedIn, if that’s where they are.”
Mr. Franklin was last seen returning to his log cabin to read a tattered copy of G.K. Chesterton’s What’s Wrong With the World.

The featured image is “Man sitting in port” by Matti Mattila is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 

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