303. Q. Is there any other means of obtaining God's grace than the
A. There is another means of obtaining God's grace, and it is prayer.
304. Q. What is prayer?
A. Prayer is the lifting up of our minds and hearts to God to adore Him,
to thank Him for His benefits, to ask His forgiveness, and to beg of Him
all the graces we need whether for soul or body.
305. Q. Is prayer necessary to salvation?
A. Prayer is necessary to salvation, and without it no one having the
use of reason can be saved.
306. Q. At what particular times should we pray?
A. We should pray particularly on Sundays and holydays, every morning
and night, in all dangers, temptations, and afflictions.
307. Q. How should we pray?
A. We should pray: 1st, With attention; 2d, With a sense of our own
helplessness and dependence upon God; 3d, With a great desire for the
graces we beg of God; 4th, With trust in God's goodness; 5th, With
308. Q. Which are the prayers most recommended to us?
A. The prayers most recommended to us are the Lord's Prayer, the Hail
Mary, the Apostles' Creed, the Confiteor, and the Acts of Faith, Hope,
Love, and Contrition.
A. The prayers most recommended to us are the Lord's Prayer, the Hail
Mary, the Apostles' Creed, the Confiteor, and the Acts of Faith, Hope,
Love, and Contrition.
309. Q. Are prayers said with distractions of any avail?
A. Prayers said with wilful distractions are of no avail.
Please note that there are gaps in the numbering, and some questions are out of order, because the questions are numbered to agree with the 'Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism' (Baltimore Catechism #4)
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